To all of my NWIWP 2016 Fellows,

Allow me to start off by saying that it has been such a privilege and an honor getting to know you all over the past few weeks. I have enjoyed the class so very much, and I am confident that I will be an even more effective and engaging teacher this year than I have been in the past. So, thank you!

My name, as you may know, is Tim Krieg. I attended Hobart High School and have lived in Hobart all of my life. Here's a sad fact for you: I HATED English class when I was in high school. I always found English to be so mundane and impractical. I did have a few good English teachers when I was in school, so I'm sure my disdain for the subject was at least partially my fault. I played football in high school, and went to Valparaiso University after graduating. I signed to play football at Valparaiso University. Yet, knowing how way leads on to way, part of me knew that it wouldn't ever pan out. So, I ended up quitting the football team and had my mind set on majoring in Political Science. I was determined to go to Law School at Valpo. At the time, I would have NEVER believed you if you told me that I'd end up being a teacher (especially an English teacher). I recall one time saying this to one of my high school teachers: "The only people who ever become teachers are people who are too afraid to enter the real world and do something new with their lives."

My, oh my..., right?

It's safe to say that, in fictional terms, I'm a dynamic character. Right?

Anyhow, one thing was in the way of my Political Science degree and hopeful career-path: I cheated my way through an Enriched Algebra class when I was in 8th grade and never quite recovered. From that year forward, I always struggled in Math. In my defense, my Math teacher that year tried a new approach to teaching. She decided that we should all pick a partner of equal ability and said we'd do everything together for the entire year. Naturally, as many other prepubescent boys would do, I chose the smartest kid in class and said: "Yo, Jeff. You're my partner." Long story short, my lack of being able to succeed in a Calculus class ended up changing my entire career path. Fortunately, God put a special man in my life who helped to direct me in a direction that I'd never thought I'd take. Professor Carter Hanson. I had Professor Hanson during my sophomore year when I was taking a mandatory literature course. He was the first teacher I've ever had who introduced me to the power of literature and to the liberating power of rhetoric and composition. Since that course, my mindset has never been the same. I've since fallen in love with reading and writing and have made it one of my missions in life to ensure that I help foster this love within my students at a much younger age.

I ended up double-majoring in English and Secondary Education. After graduating Summa Cum Laude, I ended up taking a job at Hobart High School. Since then, I've gone full circle. I coached football for 6 years before really focusing the majority of my efforts on developing my content and pedagogical knowledge. I've taught for 7 years, and I have served as Hobart High School's English Department Chair for 4 years.

I also serve as Hobart High School's English Academic Coach, and I work with teachers at all levels in my district to improve our literacy and writing skills. I'm currently working on earning my Master's Degree and plan on taking more classes this Fall at the Calumet Campus.

I have taught English 9, Enriched English 9, English 10, Enriched English 10, Senior Composition, and ECA prep courses. In addition, I currently teach AP Literature, AP Language and Composition, and Dual Credit Senior Composition.

I am interested in earning my Ph.D. in Curriculum Design in the future.

I am currently working on writing and self-publishing some fiction and nonfiction works. In addition, I am also working on getting a literary analysis that I wrote published, too.

I have been married for 6 years. I enjoy Underground Indie music, specialty coffee, dancing, singing, being goofy, being an uncle, watching movies, and living out my faith. My wife and I help lead a group at our school called Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). We attend Bethel Church and Ministries, and we currently reside in Hobart, IN.