"Where I'm From" Digital Story

I must confess that I actually completed this assignment twice. I completed this assignment two weeks ago before my creative juices were flowing.

After the past two weeks of class, it would be an understatement to suggest that my overall mindset has vastly changed. For such reasons, I re-approached this assignment over the weekend and explored some other options for what communication medium I could use to tell my story.

After presenting my Imagine demo lesson and listening to peers and guest presenters, I've been thinking quite a bit about the role that the narrative can play for therapeutic and social exploratory purposes. Thus, I hit the web and found this fantastic site that I used to create my "Where I'm From" Digital Story. Here's the link if you'd like to check it out, go and google "Story Bird" for yourself. Accounts are free. You can choose images that inspire you to write your story. They offer opportunities to create picture books, long stories, and poems. I chose the picture book genre for the creation of this narrative. The title of my story is A Seed of Faith.

I plan on using this source as a communication medium outlet for my students to create their own works, too. You can join an illustrator and print a hard copy of your text for around $30. A paperback copy costs around $13. If you choose to download a PDF like you see below, it costs around $3. I hope that you all enjoy!