"Where I'm From" Digital Story

I am from the banks of river Ganges

Where chimes of temple bells ripple through the water

I come from the city, where

Buses, cars and trams

Kick off the dust and turn the sky gray.

Chillies, cumins and turmeric stains

Color my nails

When I sit on the floor to share the meal

I come from the street-side chats

Getting louder and louder with every cup of tea

I am from the Festivals, dances

And late night strolls through the city

Lazy afternoons with

Tagore, Ray, Christie and Holmes,

With a bowl of mango pickles to tingle my senses

Mosquito nets and barks of stray dogs

Keep me company as the night deepens

Tears and loss

Love and affection

Bind the family with so strong a bond

I feel a pull across the oceans.

The city of joy...........

That is where I am from.
