Cree Name Poem

Dancing Bear

by Martha Flores

Her name tells of how she wanted the world to think it was with her but not know

that her heart was in pieces and how she feared that once she had the strength to

gather them … some might be lost forever.

The truth is, dancing was her medicine and when the

music filled her soul; she could smile and forget the hurt and pain

that banged within her heart constantly, incessantly, and so deep

within her soul that it was dangerously painful. Dancing subdued her


As she danced, the honor of the beating of the drums was bestowed upon

Big Bear who called forth lightning and thunder until Dancing Bear´s tears

ran like white water rapids: streaming, gushing, and spilling over her face.

We looked away ... afraid that we might be caught up in that rush of tears.

But she was unstoppable, She danced slowly, then quickly, with her arms in the

air and her feetjumping up to the sky. Everyone learned that all the while, she

was wishing and praying that her forefathers would look down upon her and help

her survive and live long enough to right all the wrongs she had wrought upon

those who carried her blood.

She was imploding and as she danced her sons came closer. Silver Crane held her gaze and spoke wisely.

Big Bear held her next to his heart. Gray Fox gave her a kiss on the cheek and Lone Wolf held her and

rubbed her back. Each held her in turn but released her, unable to bear the tortured look in her eyes nor

witness her sorrow.


But Big Bear stands strong and continues to play the sacred drum. He

calls out to the spirits to protect his Ina. Dancing Bear continues to

dance to the sounds of the drum, kicking up her heels and raising her

arms to the sky.

We look at Dancing Bear now. As she dances, we see a change, a transformation. She

still sheds tears but smiles now in spite of the pain and the grief. She turns to Big Bear

and he knows that the tears that stream down Inaś face are tears of strength, tears of

fortitude, tears that will ebb and flow now without gushing like white water rapids.

We are no longer afraid of being swept up into Dancing Bear´s tears. So now,

we join Dancing Bear and watch as she gathers the pieces of her heart. Some

pieces are lost forever, but the spirits have been kind and generous. The

pieces that remain are stronger, more resilient, and more beautiful than before.

Dancing Bear holds the gathered pieces against her heart knowing that the healing has begun. She smiles at

Big Bear and he continues to bang the drum... slower now... but all the while asking the spirits to heal his

Inaś soul.

Dedicated to my sons on the demise of my marriage to their father. 6/10/16

Dancing Bear final copy