NetGenEd 2011 Video Project

NetGen Video assignment:

Create a video from your storyboards that is 3:00 - 5:00 minutes (not allowed to be more than 5:00) that fulfills of the the following Video Challenges:

Video Challenge

  1. The Net Gen Education Challenge is a call for ideas to shape the future of education (how should the technology trend of your Team be used to improve education?).
  2. The MacroWIKINOMICS Challenge calls for ideas on how to fix what's wrong with the world and its institutions like business, government, the environment, and global problem solving (how should the technology trend of your Team be used to improve business, government, the environment, etc.?).


Your video should relate to your PRIMARY topic (i.e. Electronic Books, Mobiles, Augmented Reality, Gesture-Based Learning, Learning Analytics.) and should also include a mention or be influenced by the NetGen Norm that was your subtopic.

Putting it together

Each student will have a selected video challenge to prepare a video for relating to their topic.

Required Components

  • Videos are made on an individual basis.
  • Students should request an outsourced clip for their video.
  • Every student should create and deliver an outsourced clip to someone else.
  • Outsourced clips are strongly encouraged and weighted in the final judging process and should be received from someone OUTSIDE your classroom.
  • Videos should be 3-5 minutes long (PPHS is 3-5 minutes). If a student wishes to go over 5 minutes, they must request permission from their teacher to go over time. Each teacher may issue up to 2 exceptions to the time limit. This should be noted in the video description when submitted (PPHS will not have any videos over 5 minutes).
  • All credits and citations must be included in the credits at the end of the film. The school must obtain written permission to use the full names of all minors included in the film - otherwise first names and last initials or pseudonyms should be used (PPHS will only use first names).
  • The appropriate license should be used in the video. Be careful about using copyrighted music in the film as you are submitting your video to potentially win a prize and may jeopardize your fair use claims. Use creative commons to be sure(only license free music may be used - Mr. Langley created Diigo bookmarks on the PPHS Speech Group to links to sites of music that are safe to use).
  • The Project Help wiki contains the help files for outsourcing, uploading and other required elements.

Scoring of Videos (150 total possible points):

  • Video follows the storyboard - up to 10 points
  • Video fully addresses one of the Video Challenges - up to 50 points
  • Video contains support throughout the video (integrated) - up to 50 points
  • Video contains a quality introduction - up to 10 points
  • Video contains a quality conclusion - up to 10 points
  • Video recording of voice is of superior quality and eye contact is maintained whenever appropriate - up to 10 points
  • Video contains the appropriate citations in the credits at the end of the film - up to 10 points

If any of the above items are missing, the video will not be scored and will be considered incomplete.

Submitting Videos

  • All videos must be uploaded to the Ning although students are strongly encouraged to cross post on their school's youtube channel as well.
  • Follow Video Numbering Instructions
  • Embed your video in the appropriate place on the NetGenEd 2011 wiki, completing all information by the deadline!


There are two types of awards for this project: Video Challenge Awards and NetGenEd Awards. The Video Challenge awards are given by Don Tapscott's office and are not related to the rubric that we have created for the Net"GenEd project. The NetGenEd project awards are based upon our grading rubric for the project. Just because a student receives an award for the NetGenEd project does not mean they have won a Video Challenge Award and vice versa.

For this year's challenge Don Tapscott has offered to the overall winner a prize of $500 plus a signed Macrowikinomics & Wikinomics Book Bundle, and Macrowikinomics books for 3 runners up. Both categories of videos above are eligible for these prizes.

View last year's Award Winning Videos to get ideas about what you video should look like.