2010 Final Exam

Final Exam Project

Add a 2010 Final Exam page/entry to your Digital Portfolio blog, website, or wiki.

All photos for this project must be new photos and must be taken with a digital camera that has manual aperture and shutter speed settings.

The photo entry must include comments discussing the aperture, shutter speed, lighting, and arrangement of the subject. Also, be sure to include comments on the photographer’s intentions for each photo.

  • Take a still life photo of old cameras and new cameras in an original arrangement with original lighting. Demonstrate the progression of the advancement of technology of cameras in your photo.

You are encouraged to touch up your photos as necessary. You may use any effect you want to create the desired effect for your photos.

The Final Exam entry is worth 100 points.

Photos not posted to a blog, website, or wiki will not be scored. Photos without all of the proper comments will not be scored. Photos taken with automatic settings will not be scored.