Classroom Expectations

John Langley

Room 13

Home Phone 217-626-2348


In addition to the rules and expectations outlined in the Student Handbook, I expect you to:

  • Respect:
  • Be kind. Do not make any remarks that make fun of or offend or hurt another person. This includes vulgar and indecent language as well as rude or “smart” remarks. Bullying, intimidating, and harassing behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Be co-operative. Food and/or drinks are not allowed in class. Grooming or putting on make-up or lip therapy or nail polish during class is forbidden.
  • Be considerate. Let other students work uninterrupted. Be quiet (no talking) during quizzes or tests. Show respect to the teacher and other students as well as their belongings - do not move or use anything that does not belong to you. No student is allowed to adjust the air conditioner or the fans.
  • Be calm. Raise your hand to be called on – do not talk unless given permission. Take your turn while making comments or answering questions.
  • Be careful. Do not throw anything in this class.
  • Be courteous. Put your chair/stool, laptop, and classroom supplies back in their proper place before you leave the room. Clean up any trash.
  • Be wise. Do not make me mad. Stay out of restricted areas such as the photography studio areas and my office unless given permission.
  • Responsibility:
  • Act like adults. Be responsible for your actions. Discuss mature material in a mature manner.
  • Be neat. Hand in work which you are proud to represent you. Complete and turn in your work on time.
  • Be in your seat, quiet, and ready to learn when the bell rings, and remain in your seat until dismissed or given permission to get out of your seat.
  • Integrity:
  • Use proper attribution for your information – properly cite your sources.
  • Try your hardest / Do your best
  • Be a good team member
  • Be honest in your actions and in your work – do your own work
  • Communicate problem issues with an adult
  • Discuss disagreements with respect.
  • Have fun!

Consequences (student may be asked to sit in the hall temporarily - while in the hallway, student is expected to stand or sit directly outside the classroom without disrupting my or any other class and wait for me):

  • First or minor infractions: Warning (verbal or written)/Behavior Correction
  • Second and third or major infractions: conference with me during or after class, parents will be contacted, and referral.
  • Further infractions: ejection from the class, parents will be contacted, and referral.
  • Severe infraction: student will be sent directly to the office for any major disturbance of the educational process, parents will be contacted, and referral.

Feel free to call me at home if you have a question about an assignment or have a class problem. I may be reached at 626-2348 between 5:00 and 10:00 p.m. You may also email your question to me at

Grading Scale

A = 94-100%

A- = 90-93%

B+ = 87-89%

B = 83-86%

B- = 80-82%

C+ = 77-79%

C = 73-76%

C- = 70-72%

D+ = 67-69%

D = 63-66%

D- = 60-62%

F = 59% and Below

Zero = 0% (INCOMPLETE)

M = Missing (zero – not turned in and no option to make up)

E = Excused missing (must be completed as soon as possible to prevent becoming M)

X = Exempt (student does not need to complete the assignment)

A weighted grading scale will be used:

    • Daily homework assignments 50%
    • Essays, book reports, and special projects, quizzes/tests 50%

Total 100%

Class information (and extra credit in English/Speech classes) will be available on the Internet at: