Photo Analyses

Following is a model Photo Analysis:

Photo by Sierra Myers. Photo Date: 5/6/10

Photography Photo Analysis

Write detailed criticism of the photograph. Use the guidelines in Chapter 15 of the textbook: Photography, 6th Edition on page 336 in formatting your criticisms. Use the "Visual elements" chart on page 336 to describe the visual or graphic elements of each photograph. As an alternative to the textbook, you may instead reference

  1. What type of photograph is it (portrait, candid, still life, sport, landscape, architecture)? the photo is a still life
  2. What can you tell (or guess) about the photographer's intention? It appears that the photographer intended to draw our attention to the cupcake with white sprinkles on it.
  3. What emphasis (focal point) has the photographer created and how has that been done? The cupcake with the white sprinkles on it is the focal point. The photographer used a small depth of field, which held the cupcake with white sprinkles in sharp focus and blurred the foreground and background.
  4. Which technical matters help/hurt the image? The framing of the cupcakes helps the image because all of the cupcakes except for the one that is the focal point are cut off partially. This along with the small depth of field draws our attention to the white sprinkled cupcake. The Rule of Thirds is not used, but this does not hurt the image because the framing and small depth of field guide our eye to the right place.
  5. How are graphic elements such as tone, line, or perspective used? The circular lines of the cupcakes allow our eyes to flow gently around the image. Perspective (the three dimensional quality of the photo is maintained using a small depth of field and contrasts of light and dark (the shadows between the cupcakes help the well lit areas pop forward)
  6. What else does the photograph reveal (background or foreground objects that might indicate time, setting, mood)? Because there are several cupcakes, the photograph gives the impression that the setting may be in a kitchen or bakery, but there is no background in the image that will help us with this distinction. The cupcakes are well lit from each side, which tells us that the room they are in is bright. There is also a glare on the left side of the cupcake that is the focal point, which tells us that there is either a window or light fixture on the left side.
  7. What emotional or physical impact does the photographer have on the viewer? How is this created? The photograph makes me hungry for a cupcake because the cupcakes are displayed so well. The arrangement of the cupcakes and the framing of the photograph make the cupcakes appealing.
  8. How does this photograph relate to other photographs that you have seen of this type (not necessarily here)? - Make a comparison to another photograph that you have seen. Usually, when I see a still life of cupcakes, it is just one cupcake that often looks lonely. This photograph makes the cupcakes look cheery and make the viewer want to eat one.
  9. Tell if you like or do not like the photograph and why/why not - use technical matters as support for your opinion. I do like the photograph because the photographer used good framing, a small depth of field, a well-lit setting, and an appealing arrangement to display the cupcakes. The point of view that the photographer used when taking the photograph also made the cupcakes interesting.

This assignment is worth 20 points in the homework category per photo analysis.