
English 332 Homework For the week of September 4:

Plans are subject to change.

Objectives: Students will be able to read prose and poetry for comprehension, relate the prose or poetry to historical events, and analyze the style of writing. Students will be able to identify the parts of speech, phrases, clauses and parts of a sentence in a sentence.


Monday: A1



Tuesday: B2


  • Journal #4: write about the experience of traveling (vacation trips, etc) - long trips - and its impact on you.
  • Discuss Bradford
    1. Brief summary
    2. How was "providence of God" demonstrated in Bradford's writing?
    3. Describe Bradford's writing style. How does it demonstrate the Puritan writing style (use your reflections)
    4. Compare Bradford's writing style to Rowlandson and Bradstreet - similarities and differences
  • Jonathan Edwards — from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”
    1. Edwards was a minister who demonstrated a shift from the Puritan style to the Rationalist style of writing as his life progressed.
    2. At the time of this sermon, Christians were falling out of faith, and ministers tried to scare them back into being good Christians by using "fire and brimstone" sermons.
    3. play the textbook audio of the sermon and read along.
    4. As the class is progressing through the sermon, pause periodically and identify shifts in tone and mood.
      • Why did the shift in tone/mood occur?
      • What was Edwards's goal throughout the sermon - explain. Was this a successful approach? Explain.
    5. The Bible does not describe hell in any detail - only briefly in Revelations as hell is described as being consumed by fire. Most of the imagery of hell was created by Dante Alighieri in 13th century in The Divine Comedy. Christians adopted Dante's version of hell and made it their own. How/why do the "fire and brimstone" sermons take advantage of this?
  • Introduction to The Crucible
    • pass out books - fill out textbook assignment sheet.
          • Introduction to The Crucible
  • Vocabulary Unit 1 day 4 - add to your existing Google Document
    • Day Four:
      • Write one sentence using each word correctly in context. Your sentence should prove you know and understand the meaning of the word.
      • Bad Example: Agreeable is a good word.
      • Good Example: The change in start time for school was agreeable to both the students and the faculty.


Read The Crucible Act One. Reflection: How does The Crucible display the qualities of Puritans – show examples from the work as support? Give examples that show the breakdown of Puritan beliefs as well. Vocabulary Quiz next class over Unit 1.

Wednesday: A1


  • Journal #5: I read an article that stated that parents are taking away cell phones, taking down Facebook, grounding from online games, etc. as punishment (New Discipline: Take Away Kids' Tech). Write about what a fair 21st Century punishment is/should be.
  • Vocabulary Unit 1 day 5 - Quiz
  • MLA style and format review
  • True Colors - character analysis
  • Discuss The Crucible Act One - character relationships, understanding Puritan beliefs
  • Read The Crucible Act Two


Read The Crucible Act Two. Reflection - Discuss several main characters in terms of their True Colors personalities . . . explain why they do what they do based on their personalities. Be sure to use examples from the text to support your claims.

Thursday: B2


Journal #5: I read an article that stated that parents are taking away cell phones, taking down Facebook, grounding from online games, etc. as punishment (New Discipline: Take Away Kids' Tech). Write about what a fair 21st Century punishment is/should be.

Vocabulary Unit 1 day 5 - Quiz

MLA style and format review

True Colors - character analysis

Discuss The Crucible Act One - character relationships, understanding Puritan beliefs

Read The Crucible Act Two


Read The Crucible Act Two. Reflection - Discuss several main characters in terms of their True Colors personalities . . . explain why they do what they do based on their personalities. Be sure to use examples from the text to support your claims.

Friday: A1


  • Journal #6: Write about the possible repercussions of blaming someone for something he/she didn't do.
  • Discuss The Crucible Act Two
  • Begin The Crucible Act Three
  • Sentence Study
  • Vocabulary Unit 2 day 1


Read The Crucible Act Three. Reflection - How is Human Nature displayed in the events of The Crucible so far?

Last A1 Class of Last Week:


Journal #4: write about the experience of traveling (vacation trips, etc) - long trips - and its impact on you.

Discuss Bradford

Jonathan Edwards — from “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

Sentence Study

Introduction to The Crucible

Vocabulary Unit 1 day 4


Read The Crucible Act One. Reflection: How does The Crucible display the qualities of Puritans – show examples from the work as support? Give examples that show the breakdown of Puritan beliefs as well. Vocabulary Quiz next class over Unit 1.

Last B2 Class of Last Week:


Journal #3: write about how it might feel being held hostage and how you might cope in a hostage situation

Mary Rowlandson — from A Narrative of Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

Anne Bradstreet — “Upon the Burning of Our House”

Sentence Study

Bradford - "of Plymouth Plantation"

Vocabulary Unit 1 day 3


Read Bradford – “of Plymouth Plantation” Reflection Blog: How does the writing of Bradford reflect the qualities of Puritan writing? Give specific examples for support and use proper MLA parenthetical citations and bibliography citations. (minimum 500 words).