
English 332 Homework For the week of October 2:

Plans are subject to change.

Objectives: Students will be able to read prose and poetry for comprehension, relate the prose or poetry to historical events, and analyze the style of writing. Students will be able to identify the parts of speech, phrases, clauses and parts of a sentence in a sentence.


Monday: A1


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 4
  • Meet with Mr. Langley about writing
  • Read Thomas Paine "from The Crisis, No. 1"
  • Find a literary criticism of The Crisis, No. 1 and review it with a partner


Write a Reflection explaining how Paine's work represents the Rationalism period. Also, discuss why Paine wrote the piece and for whom was he writing (500 words minimum). Be sure to proper MLA parenthetical citations and bibliography citations (improper format will not be scored).

Tuesday: B2


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 4
  • Meet with Mr. Langley - review writing
  • Read Thomas Paine "from The Crisis, No. 1"
  • Find a literary criticism of The Crisis, No. 1 and review it with a partner


Write a Reflection explaining how Paine's work represents the Rationalism period. Also, discuss why Paine wrote the piece and for whom was he writing (500 words minimum). Be sure to proper MLA parenthetical citations and bibliography citations (improper format will not be scored).

Wednesday: A1


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 5
  • Sentence Study - I did not have time to make a demo video for sentence study. Following are two sentences for you to work on together. Follow these steps for each sentence:
    • Everyone needs to write down the sentence four times - leave a couple blank lines in between so you have enough room to label everything.
    1. All students will work individually to label the parts of speech in the sentence. When everyone is ready, label the sentences on the board.
    2. All students will work individually to label the phrase in the sentence. When everyone is ready, label the phrases on the board.
    3. No subordinate clauses
    4. All students will label the parts of the sentence and type of sentence. When everyone is ready, label both on the board.
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2


All blog edits completed by next class.

Thursday: B2


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 5
  • Sentence Study - review the sentences from last week


Sentence Study

Friday: A1


  • Spirit Day Activities - no class


Last A1 Class of Last Week:


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 3
  • Meet with Mr. Langley - review writing


Sentence Study

Last B2 Class of Last Week:


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 2
  • Declaration of Independence discussion: use the Today's Meet Chat: http://todaysmeet.com/pphs-eng332-b2
  • Answer the following questions in the chat (everyone must respond with one original post per question and one comment/reply on someone else's post - I will enter participation points for the posts):
    • Provide an example of Propaganda Use or Faulty Logic that you found in the Declaration of Independence
    • Explain how the Declaration of Independence represents the Rationalism writing style
    • What are the differences in writing style between the Declaration of Independence and William Bradford's writing style?
  • Sentence Study - I did not have time to make a demo video for sentence study. Following are two sentences for you to work on together. Follow these steps for each sentence:
    • Everyone needs to write down the sentence four times - leave a couple blank lines in between so you have enough room to label everything.
    1. All students will work individually to label the parts of speech in the sentence. When everyone is ready, label the sentences on the board.
    2. All students will work individually to label the phrase in the sentence. When everyone is ready, label the phrases on the board.
    3. No subordinate clauses
    4. All students will label the parts of the sentence and type of sentence. When everyone is ready, label both on the board.
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2


Sentence Study - due at the beginning of next class. Be sure ALL blogs are caught up before next class.