
English 332 Homework For the week of October 9:

Plans are subject to change.

Objectives: Students will be able to read prose and poetry for comprehension, relate the prose or poetry to historical events, and analyze the style of writing. Students will be able to identify the parts of speech, phrases, clauses and parts of a sentence in a sentence.


Monday: A1


  • No School



Tuesday: B2


  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Journal #11: Our Glencoe Literature book defines an aphorism as "a short, pointed statement that expresses a wise or clever observation about human experience." Write a journal about a popular aphorism and how it represents or defines an experience you have had. It can be from any time period. Be sure to identify the aphorism and who said/wrote it.
  • Read Franklin's aphorisms in "from Poor Richard's Almanack" on page 110. Split into partners (two to a group, with one person working alone). The solo person may choose half of the aphorisms to work with. Create a Google Doc and share with your partner and Mr. Langley. For each aphorism on page 110:
    1. explain what the aphorism means in your own words
    2. Because Franklin was great at being witty and using figurative language, most of the aphorisms should not be interpreted literally. Explain the point Franklin is trying to make with the aphorism
    3. give an example of the aphorism in a real situation.
  • Read "from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" on page 104 (be sure to read the "Before You Read" section)


Reflection: Compare Franklin's writing style to that of at least two writers from the Puritan/Pilgrim period (remember The Crucible was written in 1952 - do NOT use it for this assignment). Identify similarities and differences. Be sure to use specific examples from the texts to support your ideas. Proper MLA parenthetical and bibliography citations must be used.

Wednesday: A1


  • Vocabulary Quiz
  • Journal #11: Our Glencoe Literature book defines an aphorism as "a short, pointed statement that expresses a wise or clever observation about human experience." Write a journal about a popular aphorism and how it represents or defines an experience you have had. It can be from any time period. Be sure to identify the aphorism and who said/wrote it.
  • Read Franklin's aphorisms in "from Poor Richard's Almanack" on page 110. Split into partners (two to a group, with one person working alone). The solo person may choose half of the aphorisms to work with. Create a Google Doc and share with your partner and Mr. Langley. For each aphorism on page 110:
    1. explain what the aphorism means in your own words
    2. Because Franklin was great at being witty and using figurative language, most of the aphorisms should not be interpreted literally. Explain the point Franklin is trying to make with the aphorism
    3. give an example of the aphorism in a real situation.
  • Read "from The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin" on page 104 (be sure to read the "Before You Read" section)


Reflection: Compare Franklin's writing style to that of at least two writers from the Puritan/Pilgrim period (remember The Crucible was written in 1952 - do NOT use it for this assignment). Identify similarities and differences. Be sure to use specific examples from the texts to support your ideas. Proper MLA parenthetical and bibliography citations must be used.

Thursday: B2


  • Journal #12: if you were to make up your own rules about right and wrong, what would they be and why?
  • Vocabulary Unit 4 Day 1
  • Discuss Franklin's writing style
  • Read Oloudah Equiano's "from The Life of Oloudah Equiano" on pages 69-76
  • Today's Meet Discussion: what style does Equiano's writing more closely match, the Puritan/Pilgrim style or the Rationalism style?
    • each person must post at least one original contribution with a specific example to validate the post.
    • each person must post at least two comments to classmates' original contributions.
    • each person must respond to at least two comments posted by classmates
  • Begin assignment


Research about Benjamin Franklin, his virtues, and how Rationalists determined right and wrong.

Friday: A1


  • Journal #12: if you were to make up your own rules about right and wrong, what would they be and why?
  • Vocabulary Unit 4 Day 1
  • Discuss Franklin's writing style
  • Read Oloudah Equiano's "from The Life of Oloudah Equiano" on pages 69-76
  • http://todaysmeet.com/pphs-eng332-a1
  • Today's Meet Discussion: what style does Equiano's writing more closely match, the Puritan/Pilgrim style or the Rationalism style?
    • each person must post at least one original contribution with a specific example to validate the post.
    • each person must post at least two comments to classmates' original contributions.
    • each person must respond to at least two comments posted by classmates
  • Begin assignment


Research about Benjamin Franklin, his virtues, and how Rationalists determined right and wrong.

Last A1 Class of Last Week:


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 5
  • Sentence Study - I did not have time to make a demo video for sentence study. Following are two sentences for you to work on together. Follow these steps for each sentence:
    • Everyone needs to write down the sentence four times - leave a couple blank lines in between so you have enough room to label everything.
    1. All students will work individually to label the parts of speech in the sentence. When everyone is ready, label the sentences on the board.
    2. All students will work individually to label the phrase in the sentence. When everyone is ready, label the phrases on the board.
    3. No subordinate clauses
    4. All students will label the parts of the sentence and type of sentence. When everyone is ready, label both on the board.
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2


All blog edits completed by next class. Vocabulary Quiz next class

Last B2 Class of Last Week:


  • Vocabulary Unit 3 Day 4
  • Sentence Study - review the sentences from last week


Sentence Study. Vocabulary quiz next class