Trinity (CT)

According to Nick Noble in the Trinity Tripod (17 October 1978, p. 13), Trinity College began dabbling in cross country as far back as 1904 and fielded teams against Springfield before WWI, but the program didn't get off the ground until the 1930s under the auspices of Athletic Director Raymond Oosting. Ray Perry '38 was the star of those teams and cross country gained varsity status in 1936. Post-WWII, Edward Lemieux served as Captain, Manager, Coach, and star runner in 1946-47 when he finished 4th and 7th in the New Englands.

Trinity XC then faded into a low key fall training program before being revived again in 1961 under Engineering faculty member William Smith '56 who handed off a modestly successful program to Australian distance runner Barrie Almond in 1964 and back to varsity status in 1965. Malcolm McGawn led Smith's teams and Bill Shortell ran number one for Almond. But in the years from 1968-75 the team went through four head coaches and won only 5 meets against 57 defeats.