Middlebury 1941

Middlebury Cross Country 1941

Coach Brown

Asst Coach Howie Schlieder working with freshmen

Howard L Hasbrouck '41 at Camp Croft

Aaron Sweet '41 in chemical warfare divison

About fifteen candidates working out.

Cpt Dave Smith and Pet Stanlis are returning lettermen.

Paul Davis and Hal Parker were the best of last year's freshmen team.

Junior Lew Haines is promising.

Also George Booth, Bob Crooks, George Hartz, Dick Kinsey, Howie Schlieder, Johnny Stetson So.

Ten freshmen out with Bonner and Mills having high school experience.

Other frosh: Calder, Campbell, Coughlin, Dailey, Grant, Sandford, and Setter.

10 October 1941 vs Williams 27, Middlebury 28 @Middlebury

1 Paul Davis M 24:57

2 Bob Griggs Wm

3 Hal Parker M 25:08

4 Ken Moore Wm 26:29

5 Dave Smith M 25:42

=6 Brew Chapman & Maurice Goodbody Wm

8 Dave Brown Wm

18 October 1941, Middlebury 16, Union 39

=1 Davis & Parker M 25:36

3 Kinsey M 25:45

4 Haines M 25:53

5 Charley Snell U 26:01

6 Smith M 26:11

7 Dick Conly U 26:51

8 Jules Viglielmo U 26:58

9 Herb Adams U 27:17

10 Bob Reed U 27:26

12 Bob Shepherd U

First ever win by Middlebury over Union.

Crooks and Booth injured. Sophs Dave Stebbins and Bob Darrow have come out for the team.

Dick Setter has run the freshman course in 20:19, Tom Bonner in 21:05. Don Perry, Alex Calder, Jack Campbell, and Dave Parker have shown promise.

24 October 1941, Varsity 20, Freshmen 35

very cold weather

freshmen times have one minute subtracted for placing

1 Paul Davis Va 19:02

2 Lew Haines Va

3 Tom Bonner '45 Fr 20:21

4 Smith Va

5 Dick Setter '45 Fr

6 Hartz Va

7 Hal Parker Va 19:21 (finished in tie w/Bonner)

8 Ted Parkins '45

9 Don Perry '45

10 Jack Mills '45

1 November 1941, RPI 26, Middlebury 29 @Middlebury, 3 ½ miles

driving rainstorm

1 Benefiel R 25:13

2 Paul Davis M 25:14

3 Meister R 25:41

4 Kinsey M 25:48

5 Cpt Dave Smith M 25:48

6 Perkins R 25:55

7 Stants R 26:10

8 Haines M 26:27

9 Newton R 27:09

10 Schmitt R 27:38

11 Hartz M 27:45

Hal Parker still suffering from strained abdominal muscle.

RPI Freshmen 15, Middlebury Freshmen 40

1 Hartley R 19:02

Trecher M

Setter M

Bonner M

Perry M

Parkins M

also Jack Mills

8 November 1941, Springfield 22, Middlebury 33 @Middlebury

1 Bill Booth S 24:40

2 Paul Davis M 24:40

3 Vernon Cox S

4 Bob Smith S

5 Hal Parker M

6 Roy Lang S

7 Haines M

8 Ray Waters S

9 Kinsey M

10 Dave Stebbins So M

11 Cpt Dave Smith M

13 George Hartz So M

14 Bob Darrow So M

Vermont St Agricultural 19, Middlebury Fr 36 @Middlebury, 3.5 miles

Bonner, Setter, D Parker, Parkins, Daily, Calder, Grant, Campbell to run

1 Art Canedy VA 18:04.9

2 Farnsworth VA

3 Farnsworth VA (brothers)

4 Dick Setter M

6 Don Perry M

Tom Bonner M

10 Dave Parker M

12 Ted Parkins M

15 November 1941 U Vermont 15, Middlebury 43 @Burlington

strong, bitter cold wind

=1 C & F Webster Vt 22:09

3 Norm Stoddard Vt 22:22

=4 McLaren & J Hoyt Vt 22:24

6 P Davis M 22:42

7 H Parker M 22:46

8 J Corliss Vt 22:48

9 L Haines M 23:00

10 R Kinsey M 23:09

=11 D Stebbins M 23:12

=11 L Harrington Vt 23:12

13 D Zwick Vt 23:20

14 D Smith M 23:31

15 H Steinman Vt 23:33

U Vermont Freshmen 17, Middlebury Fr 38, 2.9 miles

1 Aiken Vt 16:43

2 Andrews Vt

3 Patten Vt

4 Tom Bonner M 17:42

12 Dave Parker M (#5)

Dick Setter dnf.

Lewis Haines '43 and Paul Davis '44 elected co-captains of the 1942 team.