Middlebury 1936

Middlebury Cross Country 1936

Coach Brown

Captain Brooker

9 October 1936, Time trials

Cpt Brooker

Henry "Red" Richardson

William Stoops So


Hard Sr

Ellison Sr

Leonard Galassi So

Macomber Sr



times were slower than run by Meacham, Tilford, and MacFayden the previous year.

Meets scheduled: at Union, at RPI, at Dartmouth, U Vermont (home).

17 October 1936, Union 15, Middlebury 40 @Schnectady, 4.7 miles

course rough w/steep grades; soppy ground, continual cloud burst

1 Bill Hawkes U 27:42

2 Ed Wells U a minute behind

3 Howard Sheffer U

4 Frank Myers U

5 Ralph Denton U

6 Brooker M

7 Joe Annese U

8 Don Thomson U

9 Ray Denton U

Richardson M

Galassi M

Stoops M

Brainerd M

Ellison M

Macomber M

Hard M

14 freshmen reported for practice

Robert C Anderson, Norman R Atwood, Paul G Cushman, Gordon R Ellmers, Woodford G Pickett, Frederick J Grab, William FD Idle, William E McMahon, Robert F Pickard, Robert D Post, Winton L Seymour, James C Smith, Kenneth L Temple, Robert L Zurbach

24 October 1936, Williams 21, Middlebury 34 @Williams

=1 Bill Collens Wm 22:13.6

=1 Bay Kiliani Wm 22:13.6

3 Henry Richardson M

3 Cpt Brooker M

5 Johnny Marshall Wm

6 Don Brown Wm

7 Louis Brooks So Wm

8 Ken Rood Wm

9 Art Stanwood Wm

10 Stoops M

11 Macomber M

12 Galassi M

13 Ellison M

14 Brainerd M

31 October 1936, RPI 19, Middlebury 36 @Troy

hilly course

2 Richardson

6 Brooker

RPI previously defeated Williams 17-38 and Union 20-35

7 November 1936, Dartmouth 19, Middlebury 36 @Hanover

5 Richardson M

7 Brooker M

10 Brainerd M

11 Macomber M

Freshmen team selected: Post #1, Anderson, Temple, Pickard, Ellmers, McMahon, Pickett, Smith

14 November 1936, Vermont 16, Middlebury 39 @Middlebury

=1 Lehrer, Steele, Lamson, Russell V

5 Richardson M

Brooker slowed by stitch at 2 miles and dropped well back

U Vermont Freshmen 23, Middlebury Freshmen 32, 3 ½ miles

1 Bob Post

2 Peterson V

3 Devine V

4 Cushman

5 Stowell V

6 Rogers V

7 Smith V

8 Gordon Ellmers

9 Winton Seymour

10 William McMahon

13 Kenneth Temple

17 Woodford Pickett