Bates 1936

Bates Cross Country 1936

Coach Ray Thompson

Cpt Art Danielson '37 (only letter-man) on squad

Walter Rogers '37, George Chamberlain '37, William Fisher '38, Courtney Burnap '38 ran on 1935 varsity

Dana Wallace, Donald Bridges, Fred Downing, Richard DuWors ran on 1935 freshmen squad

other new men Richard Gould '38, Valentine Wilson '38, Elliot, Eugene Foster '39, Robert Morris '39

also Carl Bergengun '37, Samuel Leard '38, Elliot Foster '38, Louis Rogosa '38, Lionel Whiston '39, John Nash '39, Roy Gove '39, Robert Braddock '39, Allen Milligan '39, Clyde Clough '39, Donald Curtis '39, Donald Williams '39

10 Oct vs Colby @Waterville

17 Oct Northeastern

24 Oct vs Maine @Orono

9 Nov New Englands


7 Oct Farmington Normal

21 Oct Bridgton Academy

7 October 1936, Farmington Normal 28, Bates JV 29

muddy course

=1 Bridges & Wallace Ba 18:21

3 Wilson Smith F 18:23

4 Charles Bottiggi F

5 Downing Ba

6 Card F

=7 McWilliams, Conway, Prebler F

10 Gould Ba

11 DuWors Ba

12 Braddicks Ba

13 Beal F

14 Wilson Ba

15 Whiston Ba

16 Gove Ba

17 Milligan Ba

18 Foster Ba

19 Morris Ba

20 Leard Ba

21 Williams Ba

22 Curtis Ba

Lewiston Daily Sun, 9 October 1936, p21

Lewiston HS to run Bates Frosh today

Bates: Al Rollins, Charlie Graichen, Walt Kennedy, Bill Sutherland, Gordon Gray, Al Morse, Leo Dube, John Davis

9 October 1936, Bates Freshmen 22, Lewiston HS 33 @Bates, 2 miles

1 Al Rollins Ba 10:50

2 Charlie Draichen Ba 200 yds back

3 Cpt Paul Scully L

4 Leo Dube Ba

5 Frankie Bartasius L

6 Harry Sheppard Ba

7 Hebert L

8 Goff L

9 Al Morse Ba

10 Giguere L

11 Gordon Gray Ba

12 Clough Ba

13 Bill Sutherland Ba

14 Dumont L

15 Murphy L

16 Guay L

10 October 1936, Bates 16, Colby 41 @Waterville

1 Dana Wallace Ba 21:48.5

2 Fred Downing Ba

3 Bridges Ba

4 Danielson Ba

5 Jimmy Chase So Co

6 Burnap Ba

7 Carbonneau Co

8 Stevens Co

9 Davis Co

10 DuWor Ba

11 Gould Ba

12 Humphrey Co

13 Drisko Co

14 Fisher Ba

15 Pelletier Co

14 October 1936, Hebron Academy 23, Bates JV 32 @Bates

1 Ray H 18:50

2 Val Wilson Ba 19:05

3 Martin H

4 Hook H

5 Braddicks Ba

6 Lukens H

7 Foster Ba

8 Whiston Ba

9 Carter H

10 Bergeron Ba

11 Milligan Ba

12 Myshall H

13 Lenk H

14 Morris Ba

15 Hanson H

16 Lythcott Ba

17 Newell H

18 Leard Ba

19 Curtis Ba

20 Williams Ba

15 October 1936, Bates Freshmen 23, Deering HS 32 @Bates, 2 miles

muddy course

1 Rollins Ba 10:54

2 Sherwood D 10:59

3 Graichen Ba

4 Sullivan D

5 Dube Ba

6 Shephard Ba

7 Carlton D

8 Morse Ba

9 A'Hearn D

10 Emery D

11 Clough Ba

12 Southerland Ba

13 Harmon D

14 Kennedy Ba

16 October 1936, Bates Freshmen 22, Jay HS 33 @Bates, 2 miles

1 Rollins Ba 10:45

2 Moyse J

3 Graichen Ba

4 Gagnon J

5 Shepard Ba

6 Morse Ba

7 Duke Ba

8 Donald J

9 Currier J

10 Adams J

11 Clough Ba

12 Cote J

13 Southerland Ba

14 Blowen Ba

21 October 1936, Bridgton Academy 23, Bates JV 41, Gorham Normal 70 @Bates

1 Allen Rollins Ba 18:23

2 Phil Cyr Br

3 Hawksley Br

4 Graichen Ba

5 Keniski Br

6 George Tibbetts Br

7 Robert Allen Br

9 Jess G

10 Hobbs G

11 Beem Ba

12 Wilson Ba

13 Whiston Ba

16 Baldwin G

17 Reed G

18 Rover G

22 October 1936, Bates Freshmen B 29, Lewiston HS B 40, West Paris HS 61 @Bates

1 Bill Sutherland Ba 12:11

2 Goff Fr L

3 Briggs WP

4 Kennedy Ba

5 Blowen Ba

6 Grey Ba

7 Abbott WP

8 Dumont L

9 Clark L

10 Murphy L

11 Laucier L

12 Harvey L

13 Clough Ba

14 Davis Ba

15 Rowe L

16 Schribner WP

17 Pierce WP

18 Herrick WP

19 Lellyveld Ba

20 Emery WP

21 Welch WP

first meet for West Paris HS

23 October 1936, Bates Freshmen 21, Lisbon HS 36

1 Rollins Ba

2 Shephard Ba

4 Morse Ba

5 Dube Ba

9 Sutherland Ba

25 October 1936, Maine State XC, Orono

Maine 18, Bates 47, Colby 68

=1 Bill Hunnewell Me 25:49.8

=1 Ralph E Clifford Me

3 Dana Wallace So Ba

4 George Mowatt Me

5 Elmer C Hart Me

6 Robert L Ohler Me

7 Art Danielson Ba

9 Courtney Burnap Ba

13 Fred Downing Ba

15 Richard Gould Ba

18 Richard Duwors Ba

26 October 1936, Bates JV 22, Wilton Academy 33 @Bates

wet and cold

1 Al Rollins Ba 11:13.1

2 D Remick W

3 Draichen Ba

4 Sheppard Ba

5 Winter W

6 Morse Ba

7 Trask W

8 Dube Ba

9 Lovett W

10 Stevens W

11 Sutherland Ba

12 Welch W

13 Adams W

14 Gray Ba

15 H Remick W

16 Kennedy Ba

17 Clough Ba

18 Gardiner W

28 October 1936, Bates Freshmen 19, Lisbon Falls HS 36 @Bates

1 Al Rollins Ba 10:57

2 Dearnley LF 11:12

3 Graichen Ba

4 Shepperd Ba

5 Morese Ba

6 Dube Ba

7 Anicetti LF

8 Bauman LF

9 Butler LF

10 Roberts LF

11 Clough Ba

12 Kirk LF

13 Gray Ba

14 Danforth LF

3 November 1936, Bates Freshmen 21, Portland HS 34 @Bates, 2 miles

1 Al Rollins Ba 10:55

2 Sheppard Ba

3 Graichen Ba

4 Glenn P

5 Kilbride P

6 Lau P

7 Morse Ba

8 Dube Ba

9 Portas P

10 F Cruickshank P

11 Brewer P

12 R Cruickshank P

13 Clough Ba

14 Sutherland Ba

Lewiston Daily Sun, 7 November 1936, p8

Bates team for NEICAA:

Cpt Art Danielson, Dana Wallace, Fred Downing, Don Bridges, Courtney Burnap, Dick Gould, Dick Duwors

6 November 1936, Sophomores 27, Freshmen 28 @Bates

1 Don Bridges '39 10:34

2 Al Rollins '40 100 yds back

3 Downing '39

4 Wallace '39

5 Burham '38

6 Sheppard '40

7 Graichen '40

8 Gould '38

9 Morse '40

10 Dube '40

11 Foster '39

12 Duwors '39

13 Clough '40

14 Gove '39

15 Whiston '39

17 Southerland '40

9 November 1936, NEICAA @Franklin Park, 4 miles

Rhode Island St 82, Northeastern 91, Maine 104, 9 Bates 202, 14 teams

1 Andrew Zamperelli NE 21:57.4

2 Carroll O'Connor HC 22:03

3 William Eckhart RI 22:07

4 Arthur Johnston NE 22:16

5 Stephen Starr Tu 22:21

6 Ralph Clifford Me 22:22

7 William Hunnewell Me 22:27