Colby 1935

Colby Cross Country 1935

Coach Norman C Perkins

former track coach Michael J Ryan now coaching at University of Idaho

12 Oct Bates @Waterville

26 Oct Maine State @Lewiston

2 Nov UMaine @Waterville

11 Nov NEICAA @Boston

18 Nov ICAAAA @New York City


Macheon E "Mac" Stevens Waterville

Willard L "Bill" Early Guilford

Jim Chase Mechanic Falls

John D "Speed" Powers Hinckley

Dave Libby Pittsfield

Elliott Drisko Columbia Falls

Phillip P Charbonneau Northboro, MA

12 October 1935, Bates 25, Colby 34 @Waterville

=1 Cliff Veysey & Herby Deverber Co 20:41.2

=3 Tubbs, Hammond, Danielson, Stetson, Burnap Ba

8 Hal Davis Co

9 Fisher Ba

10 Rogers Ba

11 Reg Humphrey Co

12 Larry Humprhey Co

13 Bob Smith Co

Veysey and Deverber beat a freight train to RR crossing nearing the finish, the Bates men were forced to wait for it to pass, losing more than a minute.

Hollis Veysey out with badly turned ankle.

19 October 1935, Farmington Normal 26, Colby Freshmen 29

1 Smith F 16:18.8

2 Earley Co

3 Beal F

4 Colburn F

5 Powers Co

6 Stevens Co

7 Chase Co

8 Card F

9 Charbonneau Co

=10 Harvey & Brooks F

=12 Kelly & Lushness F

Lewiston Daily Sun, 24 October 1935, p12

Cliff Veysey favored in Maine State meet on Saturday

Hunnewell & Waddington of Maine could challenge

Colby: C Veysey, Deverber, H Veysey, Davis, C Humphrey, R Humphrey, Smith

25 October 1935, Maine State XC, 4 miles

Maine 30, Bates 45, Colby 55

1 Clif Veysey Co 20:24 cr

2 Bill Hunnewell Me 21:25

3 Herbert DeVerber Co 21:41

=4 Norman Waddington Me 22:02

=4 Robert Morton Me 22:02

6 Damon Stetson Ba 22:23

14 P Harold Davis Co

18 L Humphrey Co

19 R Humphrey Co

Smith, Co, dnf

26? October 1935, Lincoln Academy 23, Colby Freshmen 33 @Waterville

1 Hildebrand L 15:59.8 cr

2 Simmons L

3 Jones L

4 Earley Co

5 Stevens Co

6 Powers Co

7 Chase Co

8 Yarborough L

9 Metcalf L

10 Burns L

11 Charboneau Co

12 Hussey L

13 Drisko Co

14 Jimmy Perry Co

1 November 1935, Colby Freshmen 27, Wilton Academy 29

2 November 1935, Maine 25, Colby 36 @Waterville

1 Cliff Veysey Co 19:33.6 cr

2 Herbie DeVeber Co

3 Hunnewell Me

4 Morton Me

5 Waddington Me

6 Clifford Me

7 Corbett Me

8 Cain Me

9 Treyland Me

10 Davis Co

11 L Humphrey Co

12 R Humphrey Co

13 Smith Co

Lewiston Daily Sun, 11 November 1935, p13

Cliff Veysey will miss the New Englands due to a strained ligament in his left leg suffered during the dual meet with Maine.

11 November 1935, NEICAA @Franklin Park, 4 miles

Maine 85, Rhode Island St 88, New Hampshire 92, Colby inc (11 teams)

1 Bill Hunnewell Me 22:11

2 Raymond Proctor Ma 22:19

3 William Eckhart RI 22:24

4 David Webster Sr NH 22:27

5 Stephen J Starr Tu 22:30

6 Herbert Deveber Co 22:32

54 Hal Davis Co

74 Reg Humphrey Co

78 Larry Humphrey Co

Robert Smith dnf with stomach cramps.

Freshmen 2 3/4 miles

Northeastern 48, New Hampshire 62, Rhode Island 70, 7 Colby 120

1 George Savage Me 16:45.6 mr

2 Bob Pritchard NE more than 100 yds back

5 Mac Stevens Co

17 Jim Chase Co

27 Johnny Powers Co

29 Dana Wallace Ba

29 Bill Earley Co

42 Phil Charboneau Co

Lewiston Daily Sun, 13 November 1935, p6

Veysey will not run ICAAAA because of his strained ligament.

19 November 1935, ICAAAA @Van Cortlandt Park, 5 miles

Michigan St 30, Manhattan 93, Cornell 147, Colby inc (19 teams)

1 John E Bechtold MiSt 26:23.6

2 Gene Venzke Penn 26:28

3 Kenneth Wait MiSt

13 William F Hunnewell ME 27:29

17 Herbert W Deverber Co 27:37

127 Harold P Davis Co 30:09

132 starters, 129 finishers

Seniors Herbert W DeVeber and Cliff Veysey awarded Varsity letters

Freshmen William Earley, James Chase, Eliot Drisko, Machaen Stevens, John Powers awarded numerals