MIT 1902

MIT Cross Country 1902

The Tech, 9 Oct 1902, p6

To the Tech:

I wish to call the attention of the lower classmen to the need for more candidates for the cross-country team. The team has suffered heavily by the loss of its best runners, so that the chance of making the team this year is unusually good. That there is a chance for men with little or no running experience is shown by the fact that two of the men who made the training-table squad had never run before coming out for the team; one of these men ran on the final team.

In order that a strong team may be turned out under the present conditions it is imperative that we have a large and enthusiastic squad in training. I hereby call for more candidates to come out and begin training at once. New men should come out now, because soon we shall be obliged to do work too severe for a man who has not warmed up.

Report at Gym, equipped for outdoor running, at 4.30 p.m.

Frederick H Hunter

Acting Captain, MIT Cross-country Team

The Tech, 13 Nov 1902, p56

Executive Committee of the Cross Country Association has decided not to put a team into the field this year. Harvard has joined the other large colleges in the American Intercollegiate Association, which has its race at New York on Thanksgiving. Only a small number of candidates this year. Hope to make a good showing next fall. Thurber, Tau, and Graham from the Freshman Class dave done good work. Burke '05 and Lorentz '05 are promising men.

29 November 1902, Annual Cross-country Run @West Roxbury, 8 miles

start and finish on Bellevue St, roads and fields, pastures and woods

1 Thurber '06 49:20 1 min (new record)

2 Casey '05 52:20 4 min

3 Barnd '05 54:37.5 6 min

4 Lorentz '05 49:51 1 min

5 FB Riley '05 49:44 scratch

6 AJ Sweet '04 50:10 scratch

all 12 starters finished