Bates 1911

Bates Cross Country 1911

Lewiston Journal, 11 November 1911

Coach Lathrop

The first regular inter-class crosscountry run in the memory of the

current students was run over a course of about four miles on Saturday

afternoon. As many as thirty-five men have reported for work. The

captains of the classes are:

Sr Ernest H Branquist

Jr Walter P Deering

So Royal Parker

Fr Edward Pidgeon

A meet was scheduled to be run at Lewiston against Bowdoin on 18

November, but was postponed due to snow.

Tuesday, Bowdoin def Bates, Brunswick, 4 1/4 miles

1 Hall Bo 24:56, won by about 30 yds

2 Cpt WT Deering Ba

3 JO Tarbox Bo

4 RB Parker Ba

5 CB Haskell Bo

6 MB Auten Bo

7 WH Sawyer Ba

8 CB Timberlake Bo

9 D Houston Ba

10 EW Ellis Ba

The meet was postponed from Saturday.