25 November 1911, ICAAAA @Brookline CC MA, 6 miles

footing poor due to rain Friday and frost Saturday morning

three irregular loops, one of 3 miles, two of 1 1/2 miles starting and finishing in front of the grandstand

1 Cornell 45 1 2 13 15 17

2 Harvard 58 5 7 11 14 21

3 Pennsylvania 125 3 9 22 44 47

4 Dartmouth 127 4 8 10 51 54

5 MIT 129 16 19 23 28 43

6 Yale 154 12 30 34 36 42

7 Syracuse 156 18 29 32 38 39

8 Brown 188 6 24 37 57 64

9 Princeton 206 26 35 40 49 56

10 Columbia 232 25 41 46 58 62

1 John Paul Jones Corn 34:41.6

2 Tell F Berna Corn 34:44

3 WM McCurdy Penn 34:45 250 yds back according to Cornell Daily Sun

4 PS Harmon Dart 34:48

5 PR Withington H 34:50.4

6 NS Taber Brown 35:10.4

7 FW Copeland H 35:15

8 T Ball Dart 35:21

9 C Maderia Penn 35:30.4

10 FR Marceau Dart 35:30.6

11 R St B Boyd H 35:39

12 GB Marsh Y 35:40

13 Leon Finch Corn 35:41

14 S Nichols H 35:44 (Cornell says FH Blackman)

15 JH Brodt Corn 35:45

16 GC Shedd MIT 35:48

17 LR Longfield Corn 35:58

18 HN Algire Syr 36:01

19 ET Marceau MIT 36:10

20 HN Putnam Corn 36:12

21 HM Warren H

22 A Langner Penn

23 AF Nye MIT

24 TH Roberts Brown

25 HW Evans Col

26 Samuel Dennis Bell Prin

27 WH Lacey H

28 RD Bonney MIT

29 JT Danes Syr

30 AB Gardner Y 36:52.3

31 CW Burrage H

32 HF morrell Syr

33 SH Stevenson Corn

34 WC Cross Y 37:07

35 B Fowler Prin

36 JH Booth Y 37:00.2

37 AN Cook Brown

38 WA Sargent Syr

39 JH Rile Syr

40 L Howell Prin

41 HH Anderson Col

42 FA Ferguson Y 37:47

43 CS Lee MIT

44 WL Levering Penn

45 CC Gulliver Y

46 CP Browning Col

47 H Church Penn

48 TK Kendrick

49 FR Paine Prin

50 WR Stroud Penn

67 runners

Time times for 3rd through 20th are reported as one minute slower in the Cornell Daily Sun -- the times as shown above are consistent with the reporting in the New York Times, the Columbia Spectator, the Daily Princetonian, and the Yale Daily News.