Swarthmore 1942

Swarthmore Cross Country 1942

Coach Townsend Scudder

Captain John Fergus

Frank Ayer, Ted Braaten, Sid Friend, George Heise

also senior Dave Ulman, juniors Jim Deane, Dick Trainer, sophs Dick Kahn, Nelson Van Valen, Ed Ruhe, Arky Dannenberg, Chuck Ferger

meets vs Lehigh, Penn, Johns Hopkins and Middle Atlantic States @Bethlehem

16 October 1942, Lehigh 15, Swarthmore 40 @Swarthmore, 4 1/2 miles

driving rain

1 Wiley L 25:08

2 Hardy L 25:54

3 Clark L 26:04

4 Domeratzky L 26:08

5 Smythe L 26:28

6 Evans L 26:43

7 Bradford L 26:44

8 Gray L 27:02

9 Whipple L 27:31

10 Walker L 27:38

11 Fox L 27:40

12 Van Allen L 27:45

13 Frank Ayer Sw 27:57

14 John Fergus Sw 28:00

15 George Heise Sw 28:27

16 Sid Friend Sw 28:38

17 Ted Braaten Sw 30:10

18 Field Sw 30:32

19 Ferger Sw 30:59

20 Smith Sw 32:30

21 Ulman Sw 32:30

22 Platt Sw 32:59

Swarthmore had only four wet days of training after vacation.

23 October 1942, Pennsylvania 22, Swarthmore 37 @Cobbs Creek, 4 1/2 miles

1 John Wisner Pe 22:53

2 Newell Doubleday Pe 23:05

3-4 Sw

5 Bill Blum Pe

8 Jim Holmblad Pe

9 Clayton Norris Pe

10 Gene Sullivan Pe

12 John Mathias Pe

13 Ed Close Pe

31 October 1942, Johns Hopkins 24, Swarthmore 31 @Swarthmore

1 Bill Dunk JH 25:06

2 Ted Braaten Sw

3 Angell JH

4 Hildebrand JH

5 Frank Ayer Sw

6 Abercrombie JH

7 Arky Dannenburg Sw

8 Chuck Bestor Fr Sw

9 Dave Field Fr Sw

Mitch Perry slowed by side stitch

third straight loss for Swarthmore

7 November 1942, Middle Atlantic States @Bethlehem, 4.1 miles

F&M 48, Lehigh 57, Rutgers 63, Muhlenberg 83, Alfred 100, Swarthmore 157, Haverford

new course this season

1 Dick Dillar F&M 21:34 cr

2 Emlett F&M injured ankle during race

3 Bruno R

5 Larry March Alf

Louis Domeratzky Leh

8 Bill Hardy Leh

10 Fred Wiley Leh

20 Ted Braaten Sw

also Mitch Perry, Arky Dannenberg, John Fergus, Frank Ayer, Chuck Bestor

14 November 1942, Swarthmore 27, American U 28 @Washington

2 Ted Braaten Sw 9 seconds behind winner

4 Charles Bestor Sw

6 Arkie Dannenburg Sw

7 Frank Ayer Sw

8 Mitch Perry Sw