Bates 1935

Bates Cross Country 1935

Coach Ray Thompson

15 men training for Varsity, more than 25 freshmen

Time trial

1 Cpt Paul Tubbs

2 Stetson

3 Hammond

4 Danielson

5 Rogers Jr

6 Burnat So

7 Fisher So

8 Chamberlin Jr

9 Howard So

10 Small Sr

Bob Saunders not out for XC, Lamontagne failed to return to school on account of financial difficulties.

12 Oct @Colby

19 Oct Northeastern @Boston

26 Oct Maine State @Lewiston

11 Nov New Englands @Boston

Dana Wallace of Lisbon top freshmen, the rest well behind

meets planned with Lisbon (Friday), Bridgton and Wilton Academies

other meets being sought

11 October 1935, Freshmen intersquad meet @Lewiston, 2 miles

1 Dana Wallace 10:32

2 Duwors a minute behind

3 Ge...

4 Bridges

5 Whiston

6 Lyth...

7 Downing

8 Brad...

9 Gove

10 Farnum

11 Kelley

12 Kadjpe...

14 Leavitt

15 Edwards

16 Jefferson


18 Renaud

12 October 1935, Bates 25, Colby 34 @Waterville

=1 Cliff Veysey & Herby Deverber Co 29:41.2

=3 Tubbs, Hammond, Danielson, Stetson, Burnap Ba

8 Davis Co

10 Fisher Ba

11 Rogers Ba

12 L Humphrey Co

13 R Humprhey Co

14 Smith Co

Veysey and Deverber beat a freight train to RR crossing nearing the finish, the Bates men were forced to wait for it to pass, losing more than a minute.

18 October 1935, Bates Freshmen 25, Bridgton Academy 32 @Lewiston, 2 miles

1 Dana Wallace Ba 10:23 cr

2 Dixon Br 10:35

3 Bridges Ba

4 Salminen Br

5 Jerard Ba 11:15

6 Jelson Br

7 DwWors Ba

8 Clemons Br

9 Whiston Ba

10 Lythcott Ba

11 Braddicks Ba

12 Johnson Br

13 Downing Ba

14 Gove Ba

15 Farnham Ba

16 Kelley Ba

17 Leavitt Ba

20 October 1935, Northeastern 24, Bates 31 @Franklin Park, 4 miles

=1 Al Lengel & Arthur Johnson NE 23:20

3 Willard Perry NE passed three Bates runners in the final straight

4 Damon Stetson Ba inches behind

5 Paul Tubbs Ba

6 Howard Burnett Ba

7 Reginald Hammond Ba

8 Charles Grant NE

9 Arthur Danielson Ba

10 Ainslee Rockwood NE

25 October 1935, Maine State XC @Lewiston, 4 miles

Maine 30, Bates 45, Colby 55

1 Clif Veysey Co 20:24 cr

2 Bill Hunnewell Me 21:25

3 Herbert DeVerber Co 21:41

=4 Norman Waddington Me 22:02

=4 Robert Morton Me 22:02

6 Damon Stetson Ba 22:23

7 Paul Tubbs Ba 22:28

8 Reginald Hammond Ba 22:28

11 Arthur Danielson Ba

13 Howard Burnap Ba

16 Chamberlain Ba

17 Fisher Ba

1 November 1935, Bates Freshmen 18, Mechanic Falls HS 43 @Lewiston

1 Wallace Ba 10:32

2 Bridges Ba

3 Harwood MF

4 Downing Ba

5 Duwois Ba

6 Weston Ba

7 Chapman MF

8 Lythcott Ba

9 Braddick Ba

10 Clark MF

11 Lewis MF

12 Raymond MF

13 Morrow MF

14 Rowe MF

The freshmen will run Jay HS on Tuesday and the interclass dual on Friday.

5 November 1935, Bates Freshmen 21, Jay HS 38

1 Dana Wallace Ba

2 Bridges Ba

3 Noyes J

4 Downing Ba

5 Duguay J

6 Duwors Ba

7 Adams J

8 Whiston Ba

9 Gove Ba

10 Lithcott Ba

11 Braddock J

12 Henry J

13 Gagnon J

14 Farnum Ba

15 Kelly Ba

15 Balsam J

17 Crafts J

18 Williams J

Coach Thompson will enter Wallace as in individual in the New Englands freshmen race.

8 November 1935, Interclass meet @Lewiston, 2 miles

Seniors 40, Freshmen 41, Sophomores 66, Juniors 77

1 Wallace '39 10:23

2 Stetson '36

3 Paul Tubbs '36

4 Bridges '39

5 Hammond '36

6 Danielson '37

7 Fisher '38

8 Burnap '38

9 Downing '39

10 Chamberlain '37

11 Howard '38

12 Saunders '36

13 DuWors '39

14 Whiston '39

15 Braddicks '39

16 Lythcott '39

17 Bergingren '37

18 Small '36

19 Rogosa '38

20 Rowe '37

21 Leard '38

22 North '38

23 Meserve '38

24 Rogers '37

34 starters

11 November 1935, NEICAA @Franklin Park, 4 miles

Maine 85, Rhode Island St 88, New Hampshire 92, Bowdoin 97, 10 Bates 227, 11 teams

1 Bill Hunnewell Me 22:11

2 Raymond Proctor Ma 22:19

3 William Eckhart RI 22:24`


1 George Savage Me 16:45.6 mr

2 Bob Pritchard NE more than 100 yds back

29 Dana Wallace Ba