Springfield 1942

Springfield Cross Country 1942

Time trial (reported 2 October)

1 Tommy Crane Fr

2 Bill Booth

=3 Vern Cox, Bob Smith

=5 Ray Waters, Ray Halstead Fr

7 "Levi" Hayes

8 Harold Snedecker

also Anderson, Beetz, Woll, Tondonio, Congdon

3 October 1942, Springfield 18, Middlebury 37 @Springfield, 4.7 miles

=1 Tom Crane, Bill Booth, Bob Smith S 24:15

4 Paul Davis M 24:50

5 Ray Waters S

6 Dick Kinsey M

7 Ray Halstead S

8 Haines M

9 Parker M

11 Goodrich M

12 Gilbert M

9 October 1942, Springfield 15, Amherst 40 @Springfield

1 Tom Crane S 22:53

=2 Bill Booth, Vern Cox, Amby Burfoot, Charley Anderson, Bob Smith, Ray Waters S 24:41

8 Richard Valentine A 24:59

23 October 1942, Springfield 18, Wesleyan 44 @Springfield, 4.6 miles

1 Tommy Crane S 24:19.2

2 Bill Booth S

3 Bern Giza Ws

4 Vern Cox S

=5 Ray Waters, Amby Burfoot, Bob Smith, Harold Snedeker S

Springfield B 15, Wesleyan B 50, 2.06 miles

=1 Charley Anderson, Levi Hayes, Wes Woll, Cliff Keeney, Wilbur Renken, Dick Taddonio, George Hugo S 16:07.2

3 November 1942, Connecticut Valley @Storrs, 4.6 miles

parts of course muddy following heavy rains

Springfield 15, Massachusetts State 66, Connecticut 73, Coast Guard 86

1 Tommy Crane Fr Sp 23:42 cr

=2 Bill Booth, Ray Waters, Bob Smith Sp

5 Vern Cox Sp slowed by stitch

6 Bob Bowen Ct

7 Amby Burfoot Sp

8 Harold Snedeker Sp

10 Russ McDonald Ma

9 November 1942, NEICAA @Franklin Park, 4 1/4 miles

Rhode Island St 22, Springfield 119, Northeastern 133, 14 teams

1 Bob Nichols Sr RI 21:15

2 Ken Taylor RI 21:19

3 Lawrence Barrett RI 21:32

4 Richard Phillips Tu 21:38

5 Phillip Hamm Me 21:45 (UMaine archives say 4th)

6 Francis Kelley HC 21:54

7 Emanuel Furtado RI 21:55

8 Joseph Carey Bo 21:56

9 Silas Dunklee NH 21:57

10 Douglas Graham RI 21:57

11 Dana Robinson Co

14 Frank Quincy Co

16 Bill Booth Sp

17 Ray Waters Sp

29 Vern Cox Sp

30 Amby Burfoot Sp

32 Bob Smith Sp

169 runners

Springfield Student, 24 Nov 1942, p3

Vernon Cox, Baltimore MD, elected captain of 1943 XC team

also plays center on the Springfield basketball team and lacrosse in the spring