When a workout routine gets high-jacked by the flu

Did you get the flu shot this year?  I did not.  Have you caught the flu which is circulating around this season?  Did you know that there are multiple strains of a flu in any given season?  Why am I more susceptible than others to catching the flu?  These are questions which circulate in my mind when I am laying in bed recovering from catching the flu.  And from asking around in my circles of friends and family, I am not alone in thinking the same thoughts.  Why do I ask such questions?  Simply because I had a great work out regime in place and felt success only to be saddled down in bed recovering.  Have you ever felt these thoughts?

Why sickness?

Of all the reasons to be distracted from a newly gained work out regime, falling prey to the flu circulating is the last reason each of us desire.  Prior to catching the flu, I was working out in the 'High Intensity Interval Training' program offered by my university (my work) called 'Commit To Be Fit'.  I have written recently about the program.  Further, I had met motivational people like the instructor (and veteran) Alex Herrera - read about him here.  Life is good.

When a person get sick (my dad used to tell me), he or she is 'burning the candle at both ends' -- meaning not necessarily taking care of themselves.  I am no different and the way that the month of October was moving at primed me for catching the flu.   As I look back at the month of October, I can clearly see that I was wearing my body down by working out and adding new stressors to my life.

I had recently started engaging in trying out advertising on Facebook (through social media), which can be dangerous at times.  There are all sorts of stressors associated with adding new stress to your life.  Especially, if that stress has no avenue of relief.  I was under the impression, working out through my new found program would relieve the stress.  What I take away from this situation was the fact that each of us must find different ways to diffuse our stress - when stress arises.

There are many stressors in life.  Most people do not realize that upon recovering in bed while sick with the flu, we can still be stressed.  Yes, the possibility of being stressed while sick exists.  I try to tell myself and friends along with family, the best methodology each of us can apply while sick with the flu is to JUST REST.  YES, JUST REST.  Which is difficult to do at times - I admit.

Furthermore, the last lesson about sickness is that each of us need to let our bodies repair themselves on our own respective timeline.  My timeline toward recovery will be different from my wife's timeline.  I remember after feeling better, my wife (Kayla) started feeling sick.  I thought "great, now she is sick.  I gave her the flu and now will get the flu again after she recovers."  What a selfish thought.  Yes, I can be selfish at times too.

I remember after she was sick and recovering, she was talking to her father on the phone.  I was starting to feel better and ready to return to working out.  Although, at times, I did not feel great.  I thought to myself..."man, I feel like sh*t today" but I am getting better.  Anyways, Kayla was talking to her father and received less than positive news about her illness.

He stated that he just had gotten over the flu.  She asked how long he had been down with the flu.  He responded "for 3 weeks and I still don't feel great."  3 weeks.  3 weeks.  Oh My Goodness.  How long must I suffer was my thought after hearing his response.  Again, each of us have our own timeline to recovery.  The take home message was:

Each of us have an unrealistic timeline of our own recovery from any given flu!

Each of us would be much better if we would not fight the process of recovery from the flu.  I have difficulty with the recovery process just like anyone else would.  Although, I know that my body will need a certain amount of time to recover with no activity involved -- yes, just laying in bed.  I might not even eat.  Listen to your body.


When is the right time to return to working out?  That question depends on your own body.  What is more important than asking or answering this question is to not push yourself into returning if you are not ready.  Unless you find that you might be abnormally more lazy than the average person and need motivation to return after fully recovering from an illness.  But do not beat yourself up.  The result will be only to catch the flu again.  What?

Yes, the flu will circulate again a few weeks later and if you find yourself still burning the candle at both ends, will end up sick again.  What?  Yes, sick again.  Be careful.  Take care of yourself and try to manage any stress that enters your life immediately.  Even though managing stress comes with time, each of us must work daily in reducing stress in our lives.

Once you feel better, then try to return to your work out program.  If you show up one day and then do not feel well the next day.  Take a day off in between to let your body recover and get used to returning to working out.  Be easy on yourself -- but not too easy.   Listen to your body.  By doing so, you will return to working out and achieve your fitness goals more realistically and in a more healthy manner.  Until next time, have a great day.

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