Artist Drive ~ Death Valley

This is a 26.56 mi Bike Ride in Death Valley, CA. This route was created by fb.KayK.679 on 01/7/2014.  This ride begins at Furnace Creek Campground (elevation -203 ft) and reaches a maximum elevation of 304 ft.  Throughout the course of the ride, there are rolling hills.  The first two miles are a Cat 5 climb.  Turn right on Badwater Rd at the Furnace Creek Inn.  Once you enter the ONE WAY artist drive (turn left) after 10.5 miles, you begin a Cat 3 climb that lasts 3 miles (~9% grade).  Don't miss the Artist's Palette at mile 15.  Try to get there as the sun is in the West for brightest colors.  There are some fun DIPS and a second Cat 5 climb (short, less than 1 mile 5% grade) before you whip down the remainder of the one way drive and rejoin Badwater Rd (turn right) to return to Furnace Creek Campground.  Turn left at HWY 190 and you've completed your third Cat 5 climb.  In total, this ride has <2000 ft of climbing.  Bring POWER NUGGETS!  Homemade carbs are the best carbs.