

1. 中文正式學術論文:字數以8,000至20,000字為原則。

2. 英文正式學術論文:字數以6,000至10,000字為原則。

3. 中文非正式學術論文:字數以2,500至3,500字為原則。

4. 英文非正式學術論文:字數以800至1,500字為原則。


Notes for Contributors

Taiwan Journal of General Education

Notes for Contributors

April 2024

1. Taiwan Journal of General Education (hereafter referred to as Journal) is published semi-annually by the Chinese Association for General Education. The Journal explores the theories and practical of general education, and aims to promote the quality of general education.

2. The Journal is an open access journal with no article processing fee charged to contributors or authors.

3. The Journal welcomes submission and requests that the work is original and has not been previously published elsewhere, nor submitted elsewhere for publication. If there is any violation, the journal would not accept the author’s article in two years. 

4. The work can be written in Chinese or English. Article should include abstracts and keywords in both languages. The length including the abstract, footnotes, references, appendices, tables, figures, etc. of each type of works is as follows:

a. Chinese Article: 8,000-20,000 words.  

b. English Article: 6,000-10,000 words.

c. Chinese Reviews: 2,500-3,500 words.

d. English Reviews: 800-1,500 words.

5. Article should follow the following format:

a. Chinese and English Title, Author’s occupation, position and contact information; please refer to Article Submission Cover Page;

b. Abstracts in Chinese should be limited to 300-500 words; abstracts in English should be limited to 200-500 words, and maximum of 5 keywords;

c. Footnotes according to the style stated in Footnote Format (for the purpose of blind review, please refrain from revealing author’s identity in the article; when citing author’s own work, please refrain from using first person pronoun).

d. A bibliography of works cited should be included at the end of the article and followed the style guide, MLA (9th Edition) or APA (7th Edition).

e. Type of papers: (1) reviewed anonymously academic articles including research articles and research articles of education in practice; (2) reviewed anonymously non-academic articles including book review.

6. Please follow the order of writing and comply with the requirements of the annotation format, and send the Microsoft Word format file of the original manuscript to iPress, the platform for submitting manuscripts.

7. Article submitted to this Journal will be reviewed first by the editorial committee and then by two scholars of relevant field. A decision will be made in the editorial meetings (would be held in early April and early October), and the editorial committee would inform the author of the result after the meeting. Upon acceptance for publication, the author shall revise the article according to the format of this Journal.

8. In order to promote international academic communication, and increase the visibility and the rate of citation of Chinese papers, the authors have to submit an extended abstract after their manuscripts have been accepted. The instructions for writing an extended abstract, please see the paper writing format of this journal.

9. The author agrees that his/her article, after being accepted by the journal, will be licensed to the journal in the form of Open Access without compensation, and agrees to authorize the journal to sublicense other databases accepted by the journal for reproduction, to provide services through the Internet, to authorize users to download, print, etc., and to make modifications to the format at their discretion. The relevant forms can be downloaded from https://sites.google.com/site/journalcge/download

10. The author is solely responsible for the content of the article, and any viewpoint expressed therein does not necessarily reflect that of the Journal. 

11. If the author resubmits a new manuscript with a similar theme after the return of the manuscript, the manuscript should be revised by more than one-half, and the author should provide an explanation of the extent of the revision, admissible after consideration and approval by the Editorial Board.

12. The author will receive one copy of the Journal in which the article is published as a token for his/her contribution.

13. Please submit your paper on iPress Airiti Academic Press Platform (http://www.ipress.tw). You have to send four files as follows: (1) Article submission cover page (with all authors’ signs). (2) Chinese and English abstract. (3) Anonymous manuscript (WORD files). (4) Copyright license agreement (with all authors’ signs and scanned as a PDF file).

14. If you have any operational problems when submitting, please contact the editor of this journal at journal.cge@gmail.com or directly contact Airiti Academic Press System Customer Service Hotline: 02-2926-6006#8918, system customer service mailbox: iPress@airiti.com.
