第十五期 | No.15
June 2015

Post date: Aug 12, 2015 6:49:50 AM

論文 Articles 

9-31 從東亞出發思考的必要性及其方法

On the Necessity and Methodology of Thinking from East Asia

/黃俊傑 Huang, Chun-Chieh 


33-49 杜威、赫欽斯與羅蒂對博雅教育的不同看法及其對通識教育的啟示

The Different Perspectives of Liberal Education among Dewey, Hutchins, and Rorty and the Implications for General Education

/黃振豊 Huang, Chen-Li 何俊青 Ho, Chun-Ching


51-75 高等教育成果導向教育之發展與反思

The Development and Reflection of Outcome-Based Education in Higher Education

/洪煌堯Hong, Huang-Yao 吳惠萍Wu, Hui-Ping 邱婕欣Chiu, Chieh-Hsin

張芷瑄Chang, Chih-Hsuan 林奎宇Lin, Kuei-Yu 洪國財Hung, Guo-Tsai


77-101 生命教育融入觀光學校的通識課程設計及其發展之研究──以臺灣觀光學院為例

A Study of the Life Education Melts into the Tourism School’s Device of General Education Courses and its Development – Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism College as Example

/許雅喬 Hsu, Ya-Chiao


103-121 通識教育:從知識到智慧的進階

General Education: From Knowledge to Wisdom Advanced

/張德昭 Zhang, De-Zhao 曾佐伶 Zeng, Zuo-Ling


書評 Book Review

125-129 通識教育視域下的正義觀:評紐斯琫《詩性正義:文學想像與公共生活》

The Concept of Justice in the View of General Education: A Review of Poetic Justice: The Literacy Imagination and Public Life

/向鴻全 Hsiang, Hong-Chuan
