第二十期 | No.29 June 2022

Narrative Teaching and Learning

7-8 編者言

陳昭珍 Chen, Chao-Chen陳明柔 Chen, Ming-Jou

研究論文 Research Articles

11-56 具身敘事教學初探——教學理論、課程設計及成效評估

Cultivating Embodied Narrative Techniques: A Case Study of Combing Educational Theory, Curriculum Design and Effectiveness Evaluation

林文琪 Lin, Wen-Chi


57-96 將新式合作學習課程設計用於議題導向通識教育講座課程之教學實踐研究

A Teaching Practice Research on Applying a New Course Design of Collaborative Learning in General Education Forum Course

/王怡云 Wang, Yi-Yun 傅子耕 Fu, Tzu-Keng


97-139 共敘大港聚落之環境正義:敘事力融入通識課程之人文陶養與學習成效探究

Co-narrating the Environmental Justice of A Major Port Village: Narrative-Based Fieldtrips and The Associated Learning Outcomes Assessment

/黃淑玲 Huang, Sheila Shu-Ling黃詠愷 Huang, Yung-Kai陳怡婷 Chen, Yi-Ting


141-175 關懷服務學習動機影響程度探析──以桌遊融入「健康促進」課程為例

Investigation of Effects on the Motivation of Caring and Service-Learning: A Case Study of Using Board Games in the General Education Course of Health Promotion

/王素真 Wang, Su-Chen


177-208 情境學習合法周邊參與促進學習者互學──以「你說故事我行銷」為例

Implementation of Situated Learning: A Case Study of the Legitimate Peripheral Participation in the General Education Course of “Story Telling Marketing”

/王明旭 Wang, Ming-Hsu 蔡宗良 Tsai, Chung-Liang


書評 Book Review 

211-223 黃著《東亞儒家仁學史論》日譯版序

A Review of the Preface of the Japanese Version of Huang Chun-chieh’s A Historical Treatise on the Notion of Humanity in East Asian Confucianisms

/土田健次郎 Tsuchida Kenjirou李禹錫 Li, Yu-Si 譯田世民 Tien, Shih-Min 校閱
