第六期 | No.6
December 2010

Post date: Oct 15, 2014 4:16:20 PM

論文 Articles

9 為什麼行動?解決什麼問題?──以行動與問題為導向的通識課程理念與實踐

Why Take Action and What Problems Should Have Been Resolved?: Ideas and Practices of Implementing General Education Programs Through Action Learning or Problem-Based Learning

/黃俊儒 Chun-Ju Huang


29 通識文學教育的核心能力培育──以交通大學文學經典課程為例

The Cultivation of Core Abilities from General Literature Education: with Examples from Classic Literature Courses in NCTU

/黃美鈴 Mei-Ling Huang


53 中國大陸高校通識教育的歷史、現狀與前景

General Education in Mainland: History, Status and Future

/龐海芍 Hai-shao Pang


69 張其昀通才教育思想與中國文化

Chinese Culture in Chang Chi-yun's General Education Thoughts

/蔡鈺鑫 Yu-hsin Tsai


89 以問題導向學習(PBL)整合跨領域學習於通識「生命與倫理」課程之教學成效

Using PBL to Integrate Multidisciplinary Learning in General Education "Life and Ethics

/辛幸珍 Hsin-Chen Hsin


109 大學生以服務學習方式協助縮短國際數位落差之研究──以2009中原大學柬埔寨海外志工專案為例

A Study to Undergraduate Students on Assistance in Bridging International Digital Divide via ServiceLearning: 2009 Overseas Volunteer Project of CYCU for Cambodia

/吳肇銘 Chao-Ming Wu


書評 Book Review

137 奧泰嘉《大學的使命》

Jose Ortega y Gasset's Mission of the University

/黃藿 Hwo Hwang
