第十期 | No.10
December 2012

Post date: Oct 15, 2014 4:57:09 PM

論文 Articles

9 體現與體驗──「自然書寫」主題教學的通識教育意涵

Embodiment and Experience – On the Implications of "Nature Writing" Curriculum in Generation Education

/鄭雪花 Hsueh-Hua Cheng


41 科技大學推動中文能力提升的探討──以雲林科技大學閱讀推廣活動為例

A Study of Improving Chinese Capability in Universities of Science & Technology: With Example from National Yunlin University of Science & Technology

/余亮誾 Liang-Yin Yu


63 藝術人文在通識教育的規劃──以多元藝術鑑賞課程為探索

The Plan of Arts and Humanities in General Education–A Search of Multi-Dimensional Art Appreciation Program

/許淑婷 Shu-Ting Hsu


83 導入TTQS、PDCA 循環與ISO 10015 等訓練品質管理概念於公民核心素養課程系統設計之應用

Apply TTQS' PDDRO, PDCA, ISO 10015 to Systematic Design of "Citizens' Core Competence" Course

/邱靖蓉 Ching-Jung Chiu


書評 Book Review

123 哈佛為何如此特殊?──《理解核心課程:哈佛大學核心課程革新》介紹

Why Is Harvard So Special – A Review of Getting at the Core: Curriculum Reform at Harvard

/林從一 Chung-I Lin
