第十三期 | No.13 June 2014

Post date: Oct 16, 2014 2:53:12 AM

論文 Articles 

9 文藝復興時期科學和藝術的會通:以達文西為個案研究

The Convergence of Renaissance Sciences and Arts – A Case Study on Leonardo Da Vinci

/劉柏宏 Liu, Po-Hung


27 卻顧所來徑,蒼蒼橫翠微──政大書院計畫的實踐經驗及其啟示

Residential College at Chengchi University (2007-2014) and Its Implications

/吳明錡 Wu, Ming-Chi


59 來華留學生中華歷史文化通識課程建設之思考:教什麼與如何教

“History and Culture of China ” as a General Education Course for International Students : Practice and Reflection

/黃立鶴 Huang, Li-He


75 莊子「天籟」之義理研究──通識課程「莊子導讀」的抉發

A Study of Zhuangzi’s “Tian Lai” – “Guided Reading on Zhuangzi” as a General Education Course

/王小滕 Wang, Hsiao-Teng


書評 Book Review

95 赫欽斯的《美國高等教育》要義與重要議題勾勒

A Review and Critique of The Higher Learning in America by R. M. Hutchins

/葉坤靈 Yeh, Kuen-Ling
