第四期| No.4
December 2009

Post date: Oct 15, 2014 4:03:22 PM

論文 Articles

9 大學入門課程實施與學習獲益關係之研究

The Study of the Relationships between Curriculum Implementation and Learning Gains in the Course of Introduction to University Studies

/林梅琴 Mei-Chin Lin


39 核心課程之改革:哈佛大學通識教育改革之研究

Reform of Core Course: Research of Reform of General Education at Harvard University

/陳幼慧 Yu-Hui Chen


63 起跑點的迷思與分流教程對通識教育推動之影響

The Effects of the Starting Point Myth and Divided Courses Toward the General Education

/廖宏昌 Hung-Chang Liao


77 科學教育與通識教育關係之歷史透視

The Relationship between Science Education and General Education: Historical Analysis

/張紅霞 Hong-Shia Zhang


93 中原大學品格教育的實踐與反思

Research on Implementation and Reflection of Character Education in Chung Yuan Christian University

/潘正德* Peter Jen-Der Pan、李清義 Ching-Yieh Lee


121 大學生核心能力培育之研究 ──以「探索、體驗與自我成長」通識課程為例

Cultivating College Students' Core Competencies: An Example of A General Education Course "Exploring, Experiencing and Self-Growth"

/吳京玲* Ching-Ling Wu、林妙容 Miao-Jung Lin、李 信 Hsin Lee


書評 Book Review

147 重溫哥倫比亞通識課程:評Cross《課程秩序的綠洲》一書

Review the Core Curriculum at Columbia College: Some Comments on Cross' An Oasis of Order

/簡成熙Cheng-Hsi Chien
