第二十期 | No.21
June 2018

研究論文 Research Articles

11-32 Allan Bloom的大學理念及博雅教育思想

Allan Bloom’s Idea of University and His Thought of Liberal Education

/張鍠焜 Chang, Huang-Kun


33-56 論臺灣通識教育與專業教育融合之困境與發展

Some Suggestions Concerning the Combination of General Education and Specialist Education— From a Historical Point of View

/李曉青 Lee, Hsiao-Ching 但昭偉 Dan, Jau-Wei


教學實務研究論文 Research Articles of Education in Practice

59-80 技職大學通識課程促進學生公民行動之研究

Research into Promoting Student’s Citizen Action via the General Course in University of Science and Technology

/周芳怡 Chou, Fang-Yi
