

Contributors | Resources

Welcome to Jobs and Robots.com

Our goal is to promote informed discussion and debate on the question:

  • "Do Robots and Intelligent Machines Create more jobs than they Destroy?"

Our focus is on the social and economic impact that Robots and Intelligent Machines (and related disruptive technologies) are having on the job market and the future of work.

  • how Robots and Intelligent Machines destroy jobs and create jobs

  • where Robots and Intelligent Machines are changing the labor market

  • why Robots are rapidly becoming more versatile, agile, quick to learn and less expensive to own and operate

  • where the Jobs of the future will come from

  • how this innovation revolution is different for previous innovation revolutions

  • what individuals, industries, educators and regulators can do to help workers thrive in the Sixth Innovation Revolution: The Age of Robots and Intelligent Machines.


  • brings together experts in labor, business, government, education, economics and technology to define the problems, find the opportunities and share the solutions, and ...

  • provides a centralized hub for background and context on each major element of new technology.

Content is broadly organized into three sections:

  • News: the latest technology, scientific and business breakthroughs, labor relations and economic news, expert views, opinions, editorials, and discussion. Plus blogs, resources and a bit of the history of innovation revolutions.

  • Jobs: how Robots and Intelligent Machines impact specific occupations and industries.

  • Robots: videos and articles about the different types and categories of Robots and Intelligent Machines, what do they do and how they learn.

A note from the publisher:

Since the great recession, the jobs market has gone through a generation's worth of upheaval. And the pace of change is only accelerating. Manufacturing in the United States is at an all time high, but manufacturing jobs and wages have not recovered.

As robotic technologies and intelligent machines enhance products, change customer consumption habits, dis-intermediate supply-chain players, help buyers and sellers make more informed decisions, and otherwise overturn the status quo, every worker and every company should be paranoid about who its next disruptive competitors will be.

Jobs and Robots.com is where workers, union officials, robotics pros, technologists, students, educators and economists come to find the stories important to them, and engage with one another to share knowledge, ideas, solutions, opinions, predictions, and best practices.

Let us know what you think, and what we can do better.

We're looking for contributors, so if you have something bold or insightful to say, please contact us.

David Kerlin



Please send your message to:

  • Editor: editor@jobsandrobots.com

  • Publisher: david.kerlin@jobsandrobots.com

Or call us at 1.650.209.0262

Palo Alto, CA USA

About the Website

The JobsandRobots.com platform is optimized to make your reading experience consistent across any device on which you choose to read; mobiles, tablets, desktops or the next device around the corner.

Our website is designed from the ground up to be Mobile friendly. Mobile pages are served from the exact same pages as the desktop site, which means it's always up to date. (Removing redirection also makes the mobile pages load faster.)

By serving both desktop and mobile views from a common page, we bring all of the desktop browser features to the phone. For example, you'll find a drop-down menu in the mobile view that you can use to drill down to content the same way you can on the main site. It allows you to easily access all articles from the magazine or browse by topic. Article layouts include all the photos and graphics of the desktop site.

To make the site faster, we only load the assets that are needed, and nothing that we don't need. Multimedia elements are sized to the screen and YouTube videos load quickly. And you are able to enjoy full-featured comment sections and site-wide search.

By listening to our users and observing how you use the site, we improve incrementally. We release features bit by bit, learning as we go along. Some ideas make it through, some don't. The quicker we know what works and what doesn't, the quicker your experience will improve.


We respect the rights of copyright holders, comply with applicable copyright laws, and work to promptly remove content that has been identified as copyright infringement. To file an infringement complaint, please contact us: editor@jobsandrobots.com

Phone: 1.650.209.0262

Work and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies

Why Wearable Tech Will Be as Big as the Smartphone

A Strategy for Keeping the Robots at Bay

What is Cognitive Computing?........

Pew Survey: Technology and the Future

The Sharing Economy Goes Corporate