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One of the most important people in the world of robotics isn't a conventional roboticist at all, but the science fiction author Isaac Asimov.

Dylan Love | Business Insider

ScreenShot | BusinessInsider

Share Innovation ... Creativity ... Ideas

Mark Zuckerberg |

The Future of the World Economy is a Knowledge Economy

Watch the Video as Mark Zuckerberg explains what Facebook and their partners are doing to make Internet access available to the two thirds of the world not yet connected.

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Thinking Machines


IBM Research

Cognitive computing systems learn and interact naturally with people to extend what either humans or machine could do on their own. They help human experts make better decisions by penetrating the complexity of Big Data.

Cognitive computing systems use image and speech recognition as their eyes and ears to understand the world and interact more seamlessly with humans ....

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Wish I'd Said That



It's More than Moore's Law

"... increased understanding will require increased contact ...."


A More Attainable Peace ...

What allowed robots to go from blind, dumb, immobile automatons to fully autonomous entities able to operate in unstructured environments like the streets of a city....


Thinking Machines Connect the World

Haomiao Huang | ARS Technica

Suddenly, the robotic future doesn't look so far off.

Photo by SearchAll

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Why Wearable Tech Will Be as Big as the Smartphone

A Strategy for Keeping the Robots at Bay

What is Cognitive Computing?........

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