
The question posed: "What emerging technology today do you think will cause another big stir for the average consumer in the same way that the home computer did years ago?: Gates answered: "Robots, pervasive screens, speech interaction will all change the way we ...


Kevin Smith | Business Insider

flickr: JD Hancock

Smart / Versatile / Sexy

So …meet Lover. For $6,995—$100 extra for pubic hair True Companion sells what it bills as “the world’s first sex robot.” Both Male (Rocky) and female (Roxxxy) versions. Breasts and penises come in customizable cup sizes and lengths, and there are seven personality settings, including Mature Martha (“more of a conversationalist,” Young Yoko (who’s barely 18), S&M Susan, and ... more


Richard Morgan | NYMag.com

Getty Images

Zeke Miller and Denver Nicks | Time Newsfeed

Our encounter with an all-too-convincing robot.

When asked point blank if she was a real person, or a computer-operated robot voice, she replied enthusiastically that she was real, with a charming laugh. But then she failed several other ... more

Humanoid Robots: It's a She

The overall goal of the DRC is to help drive innovation towards robots that are able to take over from humans directly, without needing any special accommodations. In that context, a human form makes sense because we're humans, and these robots will be doing the jobs that we don't want to be doing because they're too ... more

Evan Ackerman | IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum

The NewYorker

Robert Mankoff | The New Yorker

In a recent post on The New Yorker’s Web site, “Why We Should Think About the Threat of Artificial Intelligence,” the psychologist Gary Marcus writes:

"Once computers can effectively reprogram themselves, and successively improve themselves, .... the risks of machines outwitting humans in battles for resources and self-preservation cannot simply be ... more

Machine Learning

The lab will work on "machine learning," -- a branch of artificial intelligence that involves computers "learning" to extract knowledge from giant ... more

Facebook unveiled plans Monday on a partnership with New York University for a new center for artificial intelligence, aimed at harnessing the huge social network's massive trove of data.

Relaxnews | ctvnews.ca | AFP


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It’s vast ability to assume many states at once — in theory — means that quantum computers can provide untold power, many times faster than any classical computer. In practice, it’s rather ... more

What's Wrong With Quantum Computing JAMIE CONDLIFFE | Gizmodo-Australia
