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Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Articles

>>> How to publish your technical articles

We'd like to include and share your articles / white papers / case studies with our B to B readers and your colleagues - www.roboticstomorrow.com/emagazine.php. As long as you stick to the focus of robotics / advanced manufacturing and send us technically based educational articles, we'll do the rest to help you tell your story.

Read the instructions below for details and send the article to bobh@roboticstomorrow.com

This is a free opportunity to share your knowledge and help to promote yourself and your company.

Robotics Industry Articles and White Papers:

The process is very simple. Just email the article along with any videos, diagrams, photos etc. that you wish to have included. Length is not restricted. We do all the formatting and title graphics etc. and then let you preview the finished product before it goes live. Biographies and company links can also be included.

Please bear in mind that we seek educational articles or white papers focusing on the technologies and benefits to readers rather than simple product cut sheets and promotional material.


The way it works is that you send me 5 or 6 lead in questions that cover the topic that you would like the interview to focus on. I will add a few of my own questions and send back the complete interview for you to fill in the answers.

If you send along a biography and photo we will include that as well along with a link to the company of course.

Case Studies and Videos:

Show off your installation projects or new systems.

We can include photos and videos in stories so be sure to include them to help tell our readers about a project you have completed or are working on. Be suer to include facts and figures to demonstrate the effectiveness of the project.


You make your own deadline but if you want to get your article online send it as soon as possible.

Current Issue:

Have a look at the current issue to get an idea of the kind of articles and format we are looking for.


Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Related Topics Only Please

Many thanks for your continuing support.

Bob Hetherington bobh@roboticstomorrow.com

You are subscribed to our list as dkerlin@gmail.com

We have many options for email subscriptions. This will insure that you receive content specific information in a timely manner. Please click the "Manage your subscription" link in the footer of this message. Then click "View my profile" to select the content you wish to receive. This information can be updated at any time. Our goal is to provide the information you want when you want it.

We look forward to staying connected.

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