
Knowledge in the Service of Production

Mr. Mokyr's answer is that in Britain ideas interacted vigorously with business interests in "a positive feedback loop that created the greatest sea change in economic history since the advent of culture."


Let the Robots Take Over

Why did Britain have an industrial revolution first?

The Industrial Enlightenment put knowledge in the service of production, changing the course of history.

TREVOR BUTTERWORTH | The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal

Robot replacement is just a matter of time. This upheaval is being led by a second wave of automation, one that is centered on artificial cognition, cheap sensors, machine learning, and distributed smarts.


Industrial Revolution Created Jobs

Imagine that 7 out of 10 working Americans got fired tomorrow. What would they all do?

KEVIN KELLY | Wired Magazine

Peter Yang

In the 18th century there was a commitment to new ideas, new devises, new machines, new processes.

Watch to Video Documentary

Ray Kurzweil: Consciousness in Robots

Jeremy Black | BBC TWO

Documentary Channel 13 | YouTube | BBC-TWO

"... increased understanding will require increased contact ...."


Asimov Knew

A More Attainable Peace ...


Add to this Google’s revelation that it is using techniques of deep learning to produce an artificial brain, and..


Thinking Machines Connect the World

Ray Kurzweil, one of the leading scientists in the field, joined the search giant Google late last year.



One of the most important people in the world of robotics isn't a conventional roboticist at all, but the science fiction author Isaac Asimov.

Dylan Love | Business Insider

ScreenShot | BusinessInsider


Share Innovation ... Creativity ... Ideas


Mark Zuckerberg | Internet.org

The Future of the World Economy is a Knowledge Economy

Watch the Video as Mark Zuckerberg explains what Facebook and their partners are doing to make Internet access available to the two thirds of the world not yet connected.

Watch the Video

Robot Nurse

With America growing grayer by the year because of the aging Baby Boom generation, the health care industry needs more elderly care workers.

Noel Brinkerhoff | AllGov.com

Georgia Institute of Technology

Meet Cody, a robotic nurse , and HERB, the Home Exploring Robot Butler, and Hector, who can remind patients to take their medicine, help locate eyeglasses and...


8 Jobs That Robots Stole

1. The people who mail stuff

2. The people who reheat pre-cooked food

3. The people who sell clothes

5 more ways....


Maker Movement Disrupts Manufacturing

It's worth looking at the different ways automation began rendering new classes of jobs obsolete this year.

LYDIA DEPILLIS|The Washington Post

Momentum Machines

The Most Innovative Companies Are The Ones Doing More With Fewer Resources

Resource optimization is now a key part of any company's core strategy. And it's even critical to the future of business itself.

Jim Fields | Business Insider


Many experts would have us believe that robots and other technologies are behind the job drought. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Robert D. Atkinson|MIT Technology Review

Willow Garage

Technology never has destroyed jobs on a net basis and it won’t in the future.

More ...

Home for Robots

That is what companies across the country are realizing as they shift more production to robotics. Many are expanding their commercial footprint with a new addition or in some cases, excavating for a lower floor to accommodate the recent influx of extremely heavy live-in machines.


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Even a robot needs a home.

MARTHA C. WHITE | The New York Times

Brendan Bannon for The New York Times