The Sharing Economy Goes Corporate


Sharing goes from a niche market to mainstream


We all have stuff that often goes unused: our cars, our homes, our talent. So instead of buying more, let’s share.

Jeremiah Owyang has a co-working space, not an office.

  • He has an executive assistant that he assigns tasks online, but has never met in person.

  • He outsourced decisions involving his new company’s logo,

  • He outsourced decisions involving its web design

  • He outsourced decisions involving its name

to a world of strangers across the internet, or what he sometimes calls “the people formerly known as consumers.”

Social media may have changed the conversation. But he thinks the emerging “sharing economy” is changing the entire business model.

  • The “I sell you stuff, you buy it” premise of the consumer economy is being undermined

  • big companies that want to survive need to learn to share.

  • it’s becoming an unavoidable part of doing business.

“Just as we saw social networks emerge, now we’re going to see sharing networks emerge,” Owyang says. “The physical world is becoming socialized and democratized.”

Of all the big ideas to emerge out of Silicon Valley in the past decade, none seem to resonate with personal computing’s counterculture roots as much as the so-called sharing economy.

Read the whole story at Wired


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The Sharing Economy Goes Corporate