Internet of Things

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Attempting to predict the future?

Why is a company built on finding information and serving up ads, spending vast amounts on a variety of outlandish projects? More

Google Invests in Robots and The Internet of Things

Over the last year alone Google has acquired more than a dozen tech hardware outfits working on projects that might seem crazy today, but could be part of our not-too-distant future. More

The Chief Economist at General Electric, Marco Annunziata, examines the impact of the Industrial Internet on Jobs and the EconomyWatch the Video

Will Change the World for the Better

The Next Evolution of the InternetWatch Video

The internet of things will become more central to society than the internet as we know it today.


The Second Machine Age: Fewer People ... More Technology

Something very, very big happened over the last decade. It is being felt in every job, factory and school. We are at the start of the Second Machine Age.


Robots with enhanced “senses,” dexterity, and intelligence

New technologies are unfolding that have the potential to disrupt the status quo, alter the way people live and work, and rearrange value pools.
