Entertainment Robots

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1) RealTouch, a USB-connected sex toy said to have been designed by a former NASA engineer that promises “interactive sex” with another person over the Internet ....


Blows My Mind

Hilary Hanson | The Huffington Post

A virtual sex simulator debuted in Japan.

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Not Suitable for Work

The device attaches a Novint Falcon—a grip-based, haptic controller—to a Tenga, a Japanese industrial masturbator. Used as intended, the user would insert his penis into the Tenga, which would be manipulated by the Falcon. All the while...

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More Robot Cops

Next-generation sex toys have started to appear in the marketplace. Here's the list:

"Interactive" Gets a New Meaning

ALEX HAWGOOD | The New York Times

Warner Brox. Pictures

Watch a trailer for Almost Human, the futuristic and action packed new series from J.J. Abrams & J.H. Wyman

In the new Spike Jonze film, Her, a man falls in love with his operating system.For many experts in artificial intelligence who study this kind of relationship, it’s not a matter of if, but when.


Why do humans become emotionally intimate with AI?

Ben Popper | The Verge

The Verge | Annapurna Pictures | Warner Bros.

"It can be hard for real people, with all the messy complications of the physical world, to compete with...

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Robots for Consumers

The question posed: "What emerging technology today do you think will cause another big stir for the average consumer in the same way that the home computer did years ago?: Gates answered: "Robots, pervasive screens, speech interaction will all change the way we ...


Smart / Versatile / Sexy

Kevin Smith | Business Insider

flickr: JD Hancock

So …meet Lover.

For $6,995—$100 extra for pubic hair True Companion sells what it bills as “the world’s first sex robot.” Both Male (Rocky) and female (Roxxxy) versions. Breasts and penises come in customizable cup sizes and lengths, and there are seven personality settings, including Mature Martha (“more of a conversationalist,” Young Yoko (who’s barely 18), S&M Susan, and ...

Richard Morgan | NYMag.com


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Work and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies

Why Wearable Tech Will Be as Big as the Smartphone

A Strategy for Keeping the Robots at Bay

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The Sharing Economy Goes Corporate