Robot Handjobs Are The Future, And The Future Is Coming (NSFW)

Blows My Mind

Hilary Hanson | The Huffington Post

A virtual sex simulator debuted in Japan.

The "VR Tenga" is the product of a joint effort from adult toy company Tenga and virtual reality pioneer Oculus VR, the company behind an immersive virtual reality headset called the Oculus Rift.

As can be seen in the NSFW video below, has at least a few people excited:

Watch The Video


Not Suitable for Work

The device attaches a Novint Falcon—a grip-based, haptic controller—to a Tenga, a Japanese industrial masturbator. Used as intended, the user would insert his penis into the Tenga, which would be manipulated by the Falcon. All the while the user views on his Oculus some sort of visual stimulation synced to the movement of the hybrid Falcon/Tenga.

Who could resist?

Watch the Video and Read the whole story at The Huffington Post

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