Video 2

"Technology has taken us places we've only dreamed, empowering us to make the impossible possible."

Technology that enables human creativity

Shapeways | YouTube

The Internet unlocked the world of bits. 3D printing is unlocking the world of atoms.

Chris Dixon


When robots inevitably take over, cows will be the first things they take control of.

Ricardo Bilton | VentureBeat

Will Change the World for the Better

The Next Evolution of the Internet

Cisco | YouTube

  • Human creativity and innovation have always propelled us forward.

  • Innovation has created jobs.

  • Innovation has raised living standards.

  • Innovation has made our lives healthier and more rewarding.

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Nanorobots Seek Human Blood Cells


The Chief Economist at General Electric, Marco Annunziata, examines the impact of the Industrial Internet on Jobs and the Economy

Marco Annunziata | TED | YouTube

Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center, working with their collaborators at the Hospital for Special Surgery, have created a fleet of molecular “robots” that can home in on specific human cells and mark them for drug therapy or destruction.

The nanorobots—a collection of DNA molecules, some attached to antibodies—were designed to seek a specific set of human blood cells and attach a fluorescent tag to the cell surfaces.


Robot Imitates Tumbleweed

Watch the Animation: A molecular robot (automaton) in action. Image: Milan Stojanovic.

xxxColumbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons | YouTube Channel


This system would be completely different. It sports a semi-rigid but flexible structure, that can distribute the force from an impact at one point all over its system.


Pre-Cogs: Precognitive humans, their brain waves tapped by computers

A team at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View has devised a strange, flexible "super ball bot" concept that could take a rough landing on another world’s surface and use the same structure to start rolling like a tumbleweed around the terrain.

Amina Khan | The Los Angeles Times


Steven Spielberg's "Minority Report" is a triumph--a film that works on our minds and our emotions. It is a thriller and a human story, a movie of ideas that's also a whodunit.

Roger Ebert |

Progress in Technology is Exponential, Not Linear

My main message is that progress in technology is exponential, not linear. Many -- even scientists -- assume a linear model, so they'll say, "Oh, it'll be hundreds of years before we have self-replicating nano-technology assembly or artificial intelligence."

Watch the entire talk

Reach out and touch someone

If you really look at the power of exponential growth, you'll see that these things are pretty soon at hand.

Ray Kurzweil | TED

TED | YouTube

One man is already seeing the benefits

Ben Gruber | Yahoo


Federico Pistono | Wall Street Journal | YouTube

Peter Diamandis responds to Robert Reich

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Share Innovation ... Creativity ... Ideas

Mark Zuckerberg |

The Future of the World Economy is a Knowledge Economy

Watch the Video as Mark Zuckerberg explains what Facebook and their partners are doing to make Internet access available to the two thirds of the world not yet connected.

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Industrial Revolution Created Jobs

In the 18th century there was a commitment to new ideas, new devises, new machines, new processes.

Jeremy Black | BBC TWO

Documentary Channel 13 | YouTube | BBC-TWO

I Feel Like Someone's Watching Me

Mashable | YouTube

It can be quite startling at times when you turn to see a robot looking over your shoulder as you work.


Blows My Mind

Hilary Hanson | The Huffington Post

A virtual sex simulator debuted in Japan.

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Not Suitable for Work

The device attaches a Novint Falcon—a grip-based, haptic controller—to a Tenga, a Japanese industrial masturbator. Used as intended, the user would insert his penis into the Tenga, which would be manipulated by the Falcon. All the while...

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Arachnophobics Beware


I saw my boss' face featured prominently on the iPad's screen, whizzing around the office.

Adam shows off the special box and platform he built to tinker and calibrate the spider, and then sends it crawling around the pool table in his shop. It's not for the arachnophobic!

Check out his latest obsession, a robot spider with incredibly realistic movement.

Inside Adam Savage's Cave | YouTube

Watch a trailer for Almost Human, the futuristic and action packed new series from J.J. Abrams & J.H. Wyman

The Telegraph | YouTube

Footage released on Thursday shows the first humanoid robot in space making small talk with the commander of the International Space Centre ...


Thinking Machines

Japan's robot astronaut Kirobo has performed its first mission at the International Space Station

Kirobo is holding a series of conversations with a Japanese astronaut and keeping him company.

The Telegraph | Science | Space


To See how far virtual reality will actually go, we visited Stanford University's Virtual Human Interaction Lab.

More: Watch the Video


Paul Solmon | PBS NewsHour

IBM Research

Cognitive computing systems learn and interact naturally with people to extend what either humans or machine could do on their own. They help human experts make better decisions by penetrating the complexity of Big Data.

Cognitive computing systems use image and speech recognition as their eyes and ears to understand the world and interact more seamlessly with humans ....

More, including videos

Virtual Reality. It's Unreal!

PBS NewsHour | YouTube

by Steve Croft | CBS 60 Minutes

Now they're finally here, but instead of serving us, they are competing for our jobs.