Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun

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Yann LeCun

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Yann LeCun (born 1960) is a computer science researcher with contributions in machine learning, computer vision, mobile robotics and computational neuroscience. He is well known for his work on optical character recognition and computer vision using convolutional neural networks. On December 9, 2013, LeCun became the head of Facebook's new Artificial Intelligence laboratory in New York City.

"More stuff you wanna see!"



New York University professor Yann LeCun has spent the last 30 years exploring artificial intelligence, designing “deep learning” computing systems that process information in ways not unlike the human brain. And now he’s bringing this work to Facebook.

Earlier this week, the social networking giant told the world it had hired the French-born scientist to head its new artificial intelligence lab, which will span operations in California, London, and New York. From Facebook’s new offices on Manhattan’s Astor Place, LeCun will oversee the development of deep-learning tools that can help Facebook analyze data and behavior on its massively popular social networking service — and ultimately revamp the way the thing operates.

With deep learning, Facebook could automatically identify faces in the photographs you upload, automatically tag them with the right names, and instantly share them with friends and family who might enjoy them too. Using similar techniques to analyze your daily activity on the site, it could automatically show you more stuff you wanna see.

Read the whole story at Wired ...

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