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Industrial Revolution Created Jobs

In the 18th century there was a commitment to new ideas, new devises, new machines, new processes.

Jeremy Black | BBC TWO

Documentary Channel 13 | YouTube | BBC-TWO

That is what companies across the country are realizing as they shift more production to robotics. Many are expanding their commercial footprint with a new addition or in some cases, excavating for a lower floor to accommodate the recent influx of extremely heavy live-in machines.

Even a robot needs a home.

MARTHA C. WHITE | The New York Times

Brendan Bannon for The New York Times

Railways became the pivotal technology for a connected world.

Railways quickly developed into the driving force behind the industrial revolution

Dan Snow|BBC HD

Batuchkam | YouTube

Democracy in America | The Economist

One important factor in the decline of private-sector unions is the increasing automation of heavily-unionised manufacturing jobs. American manufacturing output has grown robustly while the portion of the workforce employed in manufacturing has plummeted. Thanks robots!


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