The Knowledge Economy

Yann LeCun/

Mike Isaac | All Things D

Facebook is diving headlong into AI.

Expect an arms race between Google Brain, Facebook AI Group and other tech companies that will desperately try to keep up.


Secretaries in many ways have Become Obsolete

Bill O'Leary | The Washington Post

Lisa Rein | The Washington Post

Automation has been transforming the federal workforce for two generations.

  • In 1950, clerical jobs represented three-quarters of the federal workforce.

  • Today, these jobs are a mere 4 percent of the workforce of 2.1 million. That amounts to 87,153 people, less than a quarter of them secretaries.

  • And instead of supporting one executive in the C-suite, they work for five. Or for 50, as at the General Services Administration, where one assistant works for the entire executive staff.


Share Innovation ... Creativity ... Ideas

Mark Zuckerberg |

The Future of the World Economy is a Knowledge Economy

We used to live in an economy that was primarily resource based, which meant that - if I owned something - you could not also own the same think. But the future of the world economy is the knowledge economy. Me knowing something doesn't also prevent you from knowing it, because we can share knowledge and information.

The Internet is the backbone of the Knowledge Economy. If everyone had access ... we'd all be able to benefit from all of the innovation, creativity and ideas that everyone has ...

Watch the Video as Mark Zuckerberg explains what Facebook and their partners are doing to make Internet access available to the two thirds of the world not yet connected.
