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by The Conversation

A new wave of technological development means that even positions that we once saw as immune to computerization are now under threat.


by WSJournal - Matthew Lynn

Automation is making inroads in every industry—but if you're nimble, you can avoid being replaced by a machine.

Law | Professionals

by Steve Croft | CBS 60 Minutes

Now they're finally here, but instead of serving us, they are competing for our jobs.

Knowledge Worker

by New York Times - John Markoff

Software is making its way into tasks that were the exclusive province of human decision makers, like loan and mortgage officers and tax accountants..


by New York Times - John Markoff

Proof that the company has taken a big step toward a world in which intelligent machines will understand and respond to humans, and perhaps inevitably, replace some of them.

by International Monetary Fund. Matthew J. Slaughter and Phillip Swagel

The demand for more-skilled workers has increased at the expense of less-skilled workers. But did Globalization cause these phenomena, as many claim, or should we look to other factors, such as advances in technology? This paper seeks to answer that question.

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