
The poor work more hours than the rich, right? Wrong. Here's why. More


Feature Stories

The poor work more hours than the rich, right? Wrong. Americans with a bachelor’s degree or above work two hours more each day than those without a high-school diploma. Here's why.


A new survey on Americans views of technology and the future might be summed up as "Americans Think Science Is Great! Except When They Don’t."


"As the cost of capital investments has fallen relative to the cost of labor, businesses have rushed to replace workers with technology... the vast disparities in the distribution of income that have been widening inexorably since the 1980s will widen further. Call it capital-biased technical change, which encourages replacing decently paid workers with a machine, regardless of their skill." More

By enabling a machine to produce objects of any shape, on the spot and as needed, 3-D printing really is ushering in the Third Industrial Revolution. It will transform the way goods are made—and change the politics of jobs too. More

The tensions in the Bay Area reflect a global trend in which technology is displacing human labor without proportionately raising standards of living for most of the population. More

News from around the web

Watson, IBM’s “cognitive” computing system most famous for beating former Jeopardy! champions at their own game, is becoming a mobile platform. More

With technology destroying jobs for humans, adding tens of millions of new immigrants to America will only deepen inequality and poverty. What kind of society are we building?


Computers are increasingly going to be able to perform important parts of even mostly cognitive jobs

The age of brilliant machines seems to reward a few traits.


TaskRabbit announced its total capital infusion had increased to $38 million. TaskRabbit is "the one company that is changing the way people are thinking about labor."


We all have stuff that often goes unused. So instead of buying more, let’s share. Of all the big ideas to emerge out of Silicon Valley in the past decade, none seem to resonate as much as the so-called sharing economy.



Work and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies

Why Wearable Tech Will Be as Big as the Smartphone

A Strategy for Keeping the Robots at Bay

What is Cognitive Computing?........

Pew Survey: Technology and the Future

The Sharing Economy Goes Corporate