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JOSHUA BERLINGER | Business Insider

The real question America has to decide for itself, Bignall says, is what side will it end up on in the robot economy: "America is at a point where it has to decide, are we a user of robots or a designer or builder of robots? Are we going to have the robot building jobs or are we going to be a country that uses robots built by other countries?"

Labor Unions

Bloomberg News

Democracy in America | The Economist

One important factor in the decline of private-sector unions is the increasing automation of heavily-unionised manufacturing jobs. American manufacturing output has grown robustly while the portion of the workforce employed in manufacturing has plummeted. Thanks robots!

Biomorphic Robots

Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

By Dan Amira | New York Magazine

European scientists at RoboEarth have created the first Internet for robots, called Rapyuta. But for those convinced that providing robots with a common brain will only hasten the arrival of the robot uprising against mankind, then Rapyuta is more like a dark harbinger of the apocalypse.

Labor and Capital

Jacek Depczye

The Economist

The sleeker, faster Watson is now being put to commercial use: its first application is suggesting treatments in cancer clinics. Many people fear that Watson exemplifies a trend toward the displacement of human workers by machines.


The Washington Post

BY JOANN WEINER | The Washington Post

The looming shortage of physicians, especially in the primary care area, coupled with the rising demand for medical services, poses a severe challenge for the American health-care system.

Innovative solution: allow robots to handle many of the routine, low-skilled medical tasks so that doctors’ time can be freed up for more complicated medical issues.

Robots Create Jobs

Meka Robotics - Google

Evan Ackerman | IEEE Spectrum

Google is funding a major new robotics group, and that includes acquiring a bunch of robotics startups. The seven companies are capable of creating technologies needed to build a mobile, dexterous robot.

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