Robots Destroy Jobs

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Immigration Reform: What problem are they solving?

Gus Ruelas/Reuters

David Frum | The Daily Beast

With technology destroying jobs for humans, adding tens of millions of new immigrants to America will only deepen inequality and poverty.

When they call for immigration reform, what kind of society are they building?


"Software is eating the world"

The world of start-ups today offers a preview of how large swathes of the economy will be organised tomorrow.

The prevailing model will be platforms with small, innovative firms operating on top of them.


I see no way this trend can continue without eventually rendering almost all of us irrelevant.

International Federation of Robotics

Cheap and ubiquitous building blocks for digital products and services have caused an explosion in start-ups. Here's why it matters.

Ludwig Siegele | The Economist

Matt Herring

I am simply unable to come up with a narrative convincing to myself in which there are many future generations of tolerably happy humans.

The robot population seems to have a doubling time of about 2 1/2 years

earlywarningSTUART STANIFORD | Early Warnings


Squeezing out the middle class could generate antagonistic, unstable and potentially dangerous politics.

Society may find itself sorely tested if, as seems possible, growth and innovation deliver handsome gains to the skilled, while the rest cling to dwindling employment opportunities at stagnant wages.


Robot Cowboys

A new wave of technological progress may dramatically accelerate the automation of brain-work.

Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change

The Economist

Satochi Kambayashi

When robots inevitably take over, cows will be the first things they take control of.

Ricardo Bilton | VentureBeat


Secretaries in many ways have Become Obsolete

  • In 1950, clerical jobs represented three-quarters of the federal workforce.

  • Today, these jobs are a mere 4 percent of the workforce of 2.1 million. That amounts to 87,153 people, less than a quarter of them secretaries.

  • And instead of supporting one executive in the C-suite, they work for five. Or for 50, as at the General Services Administration, where one assistant works for the entire executive staff.


"most debated nonfiction book ... this year." - David Brooks

Automation has been transforming the federal workforce for two generations.

Lisa Rein | The Washington Post

Bill O'Leary | The Washington Post

A steady, secure life somewhere in the middle—average—is over.

Widely acclaimed as one of the world’s most influential economists, Tyler Cowen:

High earners are taking ever more advantage of machine intelligence. This fact is forever changing the world of work and wages.

Robots or Airport-security Screeners?

Aviation and government authorities are starting to use machines in lieu of people to verify the identities of fliers by scanning their faces, irises or fingerprints.

Next to have their jobs automated: airport-security screeners?

JACK NICAS | The Wall Steet Journal

Rob Hart | The Wall Street Journal

Peter Diamandis responds to Robert Reich

Watch the Video

Federico Pistono | Wall Street Journal | YouTube


Brian Merchant | Motherboard

No human hand touched this hamburger. It was made entirely by robots.


Yes, Robots Tell Lies!

Getty Images

Zeke Miller and Denver Nicks | Time Newsfeed

Our encounter with an all-too-convincing robot.

When asked point blank if she was a real person, or a computer-operated robot voice, she replied enthusiastically that she was real, with a charming laugh. But then she failed several other ...

Maker Movement Disrupts Manufacturing

The Most Innovative Companies Are The Ones Doing More With Fewer Resources

Resource optimization is now a key part of any company's core strategy. And it's even critical to the future of business itself.

Jim Fields | Business Insider


Are we prepared for a world where 50 to 75 percent of workers are unemployed? It seems like a ridiculous question, but it's something economists and technologists say we seriously need to think about. It's just math...

MAX NISEN | Business Insider

Robots Makes It Too Easy

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Cory Doctorow | BoingBoing

Moshe Vardi discusses the possibility that robots will obviate human labor faster than new jobs are created, leaving us with no jobs.

If market economies can't figure out how to equitably distribute the fruits of automation, it might end up with an even bigger, even more hopeless underclass.

"... are we creating many things that are just too easy to do?"


Waitress has the Personality of a Robot

The endgame here is the so-called singularity—the point at which technological development, spurred by Moore’s Law and another generation or two of software and robotics development, is so sophisticated that humans have become irrelevant.


Intelligent Machines sub for Lawyers

Automation has displaced a lot of workers in the last 50 years;

Steven Cherry | IEEE Spectrum’s “Techwise Conversations

Listen to the PodcastIEEE Spectrum

"In the old world, the (legal profession's )business model was awesome," said Wang. "Now you can look it up just as easily as I can.”

Ted Wang, who has honed legal strategies for tech companies like Twitter Inc. and Facebook Inc., is turning to a novel tool in his bid to demystify the legalities of starting a company.

Lauren Hepler | Silicon Valley Business Journal

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A sister factory in the Dutch countryside has several dozen workers per shift, about a tenth as many as the plant in the Chinese city of Zhuhai.


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At the Philips Electronics factory on the coast of China, hundreds of workers use their hands and specialized tools to assemble electric shavers. That is the old way.

by John Markoff | NYTimes

Paul Sakuma/Associated Press

Work and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies

Why Wearable Tech Will Be as Big as the Smartphone

A Strategy for Keeping the Robots at Bay

What is Cognitive Computing?........

Pew Survey: Technology and the Future

The Sharing Economy Goes Corporate