HDJ10s Fitness

Please access the links below for a variety of documents and video resources.

Pre-Match/Practice Dynamic Warmup

-1 Three-Court Jogging Lap

-1/2 Court High Knees

-1/2 Court Walking Knee Hug

-1/2 Court High Heels

-1/2 Court Walking High Heel Pull w/Reach

-1 Court Inverted Hamstring (Divebombers)

-1 Frankenstein Walk

-2 Side Shuffle w/Arm-Crosses

-2 Carioca Steps

-Lunge with Rotation

-1 Hurdle Step Overs

-1 Skip for Height

-1 M-Drill

-Arm Circles

Match: Hitting "Wall," 2 sets each-5 figure 8s, 10 pushups, 15 squats, Stationary Bike, Refuel

Practice: 2 M-Drills


-Tennis-Specific Yoga Poses - Down Dog - Press Ups w/Groin Stretch

-McCaw 4 in 1 Stretch

-Static Stretches (Lower Back-Hamstring-Quads-Butterfly-Shoulders-Chest-Elbow-Calf-Forearm)

-Thoracic Stretch

-Foam or Ball Roll Myofascial Release: Feet, Chest, Arms, Legs, Back

DIY Post-Match

-No Bake Chocolate PB Bars (melt & layer chocolate over the top)

-Sports Performance Drink (great alternative to the name brands)

-Ice Pack: In Ziploc bags, combine 1 part rubbing alcohol with 3 parts water-then freeze

Practice Fitness Routines


3 sets - 7 Squats into Split-Step Spring & Swing

Side Planks

4 sets - 30 seconds: Line Hops

2-Cone Figure 8s & Sprint Swing

Man in the Middle Circle Volleys

Cone Slaloms/Ladders into Poach


Z-Ball Catch

6:1 Mountain Climber Burpees/Jump-Rope

Youth Ball Point Play


4 Player Split Step Toss

Side Shuffle High 5s (or add ladders)

Crunches & Superman Swims

Wind Sprints (1/2-Full - Nasal)

Hexagon Drill

Shadow Shuffle Sprint Race

Squat Jumps

Z-Ball or Rebound Catch

Shadow Hitting

Touch Volley & Lob Retrieval


4-Cone Square

Arm & Leg Extensions

Agility Freckles

Wall Sit into Bear Walk

Ball Drop Sprints w/Redirect

Split Jump Lunges

4 Player Split Step Toss

Partner 2-Ball Toss-Catch

1 on 1 Circle Shuffle Tag

Medicine Ball or Thrown Ball Tennis


60/60 sec. - Jump Rope/Plank

Turn/React or Over the Shoulder Catch

60 sec. - Soccer Taps

Partner Medicine Ball Toss

Center Line Agility Slalom/Ladders

Spider Drill

Bicycle Crunches & Superman

"Eagle!" Runs

Roll-Tap Low Volleys

Drop Shot Retrieval

Golden Eagles Tennis Pre-Season Prep Workout Plan

Warmup properly using dynamic regimen. Warm down effectively & static stretch. Use manageable weight with proper technique.

Adjust exercises as needed. If you are unsure of what an exercise is, ask the weightroom supervisor.

Weeks 1 & 2



Dynamic stretch routine including rotator cuff/shoulder warmup.


Barbell Squat - 4 sets 8-10 reps

Dumbbell bent over row- 4 sets 8-10 reps

Two-arm kettlebell swings 2 sets of 20

Kettle bell deadlift 4 sets 8-10 reps

Jump squats 2 sets of 15

Back extensions on stability ball 2 sets of 15

Ab work (choose 3 and do 3 sets of 15)


-Heel touches



-Leg lifts



Bear crawl 2 sets of 30 seconds

Hand walkout 2 sets of 30 seconds


Dumbbell shoulder press 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Dumbbell shoulder fly 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Pushups 4 sets of 10

1-Arm Half Kneeling Landmine Press (each arm 2 sets of 15)

Bench press 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Dumbbell fly 4 sets of 10

Weeks 3 & 4



7 minutes of 10 burpees & 10 plyobox jumps

- ARAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)


Dumbbell Lateral Lunges 4 sets of 12 reps (use lighter weight)

Dumbbell Bent over rows 3 sets of 8

Kettlebell Sumo Squat 3 sets of 10

Calf raises (either dumbbells with weighted plate on the ground or use barbell in the squat rack) 4 sets of 10

10 minutes on the spin bike



10 minutes on spin bike

Shoulder stretches


50/50–25 pushups/25 pullups (split as you like)

Kettlebell shoulder presses 4 sets of 12 (light weight)

Bench press 4 sets of 8

Medicine ball twist wall throws (2 sets of 15 each side)

Cable triceps Extensions 4 sets of 10

100 jump ropes

Weeks 5 & 6



10 minutes spin bike


Dumbbell reverse lunges 4 sets of 10-each leg

Dumbbell shoulder lateral raises 4 sets of 10

Two arm Kettlebell swings 2 sets of 20

Plyo box jumps 2 sets of 10

Dumbbell Bicep curls 4 sets of 10 each arm

Lat pull downs 4 sets of 10

30 second Side plank holds

Medicine ball slams (two sets of 15)

Mountain climbers 3 sets of 15



(If field house is available: jog 4 laps and then stretch)


Barbell Squats 4 sets of 10

TRX strap back rows ( 3 sets of 15)

25 burpees

Barbell front squat (use light weight and make sure you try and keep your elbows as high as possible) 3 sets of 8

Push-Ups 4 sets of 10

Bear crawl 3 sets of 30 seconds